Shooting the Singapore Technologies SAR-21
At The Range
6m 19s
We lucked into a chance to disassemble and shoot a pretty rare black rifle recently - an SAR-21 bullpup made by Singapore Technologies (and this is why we take a camera everywhere we go). Singapore is another one of those countries with an impressive arms industry that most folks don't know about, and the SAR-21 is a pretty impressive product.
Unlike so many new rifles out there, this is not just a remake or variation on the AR15 or AR18. The two-lug bolt and carrier remind us a bit of the FG-42, although the SAR-21 uses an AR-style cam pin instead of the FG-42's method of holding the firing pin on the oprod. There seems to have been a lot of practical thought put into the design, with a very controllable rate of fire, good all-purpose optic, built-in laser, easy disassembly and easy cleaning access.
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