At The Range

At The Range

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At The Range
  • WW1 Villar Perosa SMG at the Range

    Courtesy of the Morphy Auction Company, I am out at the range today with a very rare Italian Villar Perosa machine gun from World War One. These are pretty unorthodox machine guns, as they were initially designed as aircraft armament and later repurposed as ground guns. The basic design is a pair...

  • At the Range with the Marlin UD-42 SMG

    The Marlin / United Defense US-42 submachine gun was not used by the American military, but it did see service in World War Two. Its 9mm chambering made it inconvenient for the US, but ideal for agencies like the OSS and SOE to drop to resistance organizations within occupied Europe. So, let's ta...

  • Marlin M2 at the Range: A Remarkably Nice SMG

    After yesterday's history and disassembly, I had a chance to take the Hyde/Marlin M2 submachine gun out to the range today for some test firing. It is a remarkably nice gun to use - with a good in-line stock design and low rate of fire, it was extremely controllable. Better than both the Thompson...

  • SMG Comparison: Bernardelli VB vs Beretta Model 4

    Yesterday we looked at the short-lived Bernardelli VB submachine gun made a few years after World War 2, and compared it to the post-war Beretta Model 4 SMG. Having seen how different the two guns really are, it's time to take them to the shooting range and see how they compare in actual firing...

  • Original Vietnam-Era M60 at the Range

    The M60 was the first modern American military machine gun, developed from the operating system of the German FG-42 and the feed system of the German MG-42 in the years after World War Two. It has a rather schizophrenic reputation, being loved by many who used it in Vietnam and hated by many who ...

  • Knight's Assault Machine Guns at the Range

    Knights Armament introduced their "Assault Machine Gun" a couple years ago, and I had a chance to take both versions (5.56mm and 7.62mm) out to the range recently. The gun is the spiritual descendant of the Stoner 63, but is more directly mades on Eugene Stoner's Model 86 light machine gun. It ut...

  • Soviet 122mm D30 Cannon (Firing)

    The D30 is a Soviet 122mm multi-role gun introduced in the 1960s and still in use around the world today. It has a somewhat unusual 3-leg mount that is slower to set up than a standard trail, but allows for complete 360-degree rotation of the gun. The piece was designed for both indirect fire (ma...

  • Chauchat Field Testing vs Mock MG08/15 Nest

    Out at the range today with the Chauchat, testing accuracy against a simulated MG08/15 nest at 150 yards. I'll try out semiauto and full auto (in short bursts), and see how they compare. For reference, the US Army recommended never using the Chauchat beyond 400 yards, as it was not sufficiently a...

  • Shooting the Chatellerault FM 24/29 Light Machine Gun

    The Chatellerault FM 24/29 is an oft-forgotten light machine gun despite its relatively early design (predating the ZB/Bren series, DP28, and Nambu LMGs) and very long service life. It was the standard French LMG for World War Two, Indochina, Algeria, and many small African interventions. It has ...

  • Benelli B76 vs MP3S at the Range

    The Benelli MP3S is a very rare pistol in .32 S&W, and a nearly unheard of one in 9mm Parabellum. Well, thanks to viewer Todd we have one of those 9mm examples to take to the range today - thanks, Todd! I figured it would be interesting to try it side by side with my standard Benelli B76 and see ...

  • Shooting the RSC-1918 and RSC-1917 French Autoloaders

    The day has come to do some shooting with an RSC-1918 - and an RSC-1917 as well! The 1917 was the first selfloading rifle to see substantial combat use, with just over 85,000 manufactured in 1917 and 1918 and used on the frontlines by French troops. The 1918 pattern is an improvement of the desig...

  • British L129A1 Sharpshooter Rifle

    With the British military's return to Afghanistan in the Global War on Terror, it was found that the very long engagement ranges made it necessary to have a 7.62mm designated marksman's rifle, in addition to the 5.56mm scoped rifles in service. This was not unique to the British military; the US ...

  • Shooting the Norinco QBZ/Type 97 NSR

    Today it's time to take the Norinco QBZ-97 - aka Type 97 NSR - out to the range for some shooting! This is the Canadian semiautomatic-only legal version of China's new military rifle, and it is chambered for the 5.56mm NATO cartridge (the Chinese military models use their 5.8x42mm cartridge).


  • Webley 1913 Semiauto Pistol: Shooting

    Following up on yesterday's history and disassembly of the Webley 1913, today I am taking one of them out to the range. Courtesy of Mike Carrick from Arms Heritage magazine, I am shooting original WWI British .455 SL ammunition. We don't have a lot of it to work with here, but we will try out som...

  • Shooting the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver - Including Safety PSA

    Following up yesterday's look at the history and mechanics of the Webley-Fosbery self-cocking revolvers, today we are out at the range to do some shooting with one.

    In terms of handling, it is a comfortable gun to shoot, albeit with some exaggerated recoil because of the very high bore axis r...

  • Shooting the Madsen LMG - The First True LMG

    We have looked at a couple different Madsen light machine guns previously, but until today I have not had the chance to do any shooting with a fully automatic example of one. So I am taking this 1924 Bulgarian contract example out to the range wth some ammo!

    The Madsen is a really interesting ...

  • Shooting the MP40 Submachine Gun

    A bit of shooting with an MP40 at an indoor range, courtesy of Hill & Mac Gunworks.

  • Zip 22: Shooting the Worst Gun Ever

    Today, may the good lord help me, I am taking the Zip 22 out to the range for some shooting.

    Note that while it actually worked remarkably well right up until it jammed solid, on the second range trip when we went back to get the high-speed footage, we literally could not get two rounds in a r...

  • Shooting the Full Auto XM-8 Carbine

    Thanks to H&K and to Trijicon for range access, we are out today shooting an original and authentic XM-8 carbine! The XM-8 family are relatively bulky guns; moreso than one would expect from seeing photos of them. However, they are also very smooth and comfortable guns to shoot, with a relatively...

  • Shooting the Stechkin: How Does It Measure Up?

    I have been curious to try shooting a Stechkin machine pistol for a while, and now thanks to Movie Armaments Group in Toronto, I have a chance to!

    I hate to be a downer, but my takeaway from this experience is that the Stechkin is little more than a range toy, at least in fully automatic. With...

  • Is the Stoner 63 Really So Good? Shooting the Mk23, Bren, and 63A Carbine

    s the Stoner 63 really as good of a gun as everyone says? Today is my first opportunity to try one out on the range, and I'm going to look at it in three different configurations: the Mk23 SEAL light machine gun, the "Bren" style automatic rifle, and the carbine. Let's see how it handles!

    I ow...

  • Cobray Terminator at the Range: The Worst Shotgun Ever

    Most of the guns made by Cobray are pretty awful, but one can at least understand the market they were made for. The Terminator is different, because it really is rather incomprehensible who would have actually thought that a single shot, open bolt 12 gauge shotgun with a terrible stock would be ...

  • H&K VP-70M on the Range: How Useful is the Burst Fire?

    After looking at the history and mechanics of the VP-70 yesterday, we are heading out to the range to try it out (and thanks to Trijicon for generously offering use of their range!). I am curious to see just what that 2200 rpm rate of fire is like to shoot, and whether the awful trigger is as muc...

  • Shooting the HK G41: Like an HK33 But Worse

    We took a look at the history and mechanics of the G41 yesterday; now it's time to actually try it out on the range!

    It, ah, did not go so well. But I did get to see a cool new malfunction I had never seen before! In fairness to HK, this was a demo gun that has been used and abused. On the ot...