Black Powder Cartridge Firearms at the Range

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  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: The Mauser 71/84

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 7: The M1871 Beaumont

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 6: Berdan II

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 5: The Remington Rolling Block

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 3: The Martini-Henry MkIV

    Sorry about the wind noise! We did our best to deal with it in post-production.

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory amm...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 2: The Model 1874 Gras

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • Enjoying Black Powder Episode 1: The Trapdoor Springfield

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a ...

  • French 1867 (tabby) conversion part 2

    In part 2 we explore the why, who and how. Why was it adopted, who was it issued to and how was the conversion done. We also finally have some range time with it.

  • Bavarian M1869 Werder Shooting And Disassembly

    "I remember the first rifle ever given to me by my grandfather. It was a Werder's Original, and I was four"...

    The Chap takes his Bavarian 1869 Werder in 11x50R out to the range for a shoot, and then takes it back to the workshop to give its insides a good look-over.

    The Werder is rather th...

  • Shooting and reloading - the 1867 Werndl rifle in action

    Please support us at: Let's see how accurate the 1867 Werndl rifle is with cartridges reloaded without any special tools or die sets. Want to support our work? By a Capandball product: Magyar szöveg: h...

  • Shooting the 1867/77 Werndl rifle to 200 meters

    Please support us at: Inspired by british muzzleloader's youtube channel I decided to try my 1867/77 Werndl single shot Austro-Hungarian military rifle to 200 meters. What a beautiful day this was for shooting. Want to support our work? By a Capandball product: ...

  • Hunting wild boar with the 1867 Werndl rifle

    Please support us: For buying our Civil War cartridge boxes: This was the first time when I used my 1867 M Werndl rifle for hunting wild boar. The accuracy and power of this old iron always fascinates me. ...

  • Shooting the Swiss Model 1851 Feldstutzer rifle

    Please support us at Capandball's detailed study about the rifle: For buying our Civil War cartridge boxes: Now t...

  • Shooting the M 1867/77 Werndl rifle Part I

    Please support us at: In this part I present you the historical background and the most important technical parameters of the M 1867/77 Wernld rifle and cartridges. Magyar szöveg:

  • The Civil War Burnside carbine - shooting, history and impact

    Please support us at For buying Capandball Civil War cartridge boxes, cartridge formers, arsenal labels and US arsenal Stadias: or the Capandball webpage:

  • The 1860 Henry rifle

    Please support us at: Here is my impression of the Henry rifle with some historical background, target shooting, and of course some fun. This is one of the very first repeating rifles firing a metallic cartridge so it really plays an important part in firearms h...

  • Martini Henry Mk I/II to 500yds: Practical Accuracy - British Muzzleloaders

    Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases! Sign up for the newsletter 🗞️ or Make no mistake: the Martini-Henry series of rifles were a wonder of their time. This example was from 1872, one of the first Martini-Henry Mk I rifl...

  • The Mk I Martini-Henry and the Mk I Lee-Metford: Rate of Fire Comparison

    In this episode of the Firepower series, we compare the Martini and the Lee-Metford

  • 2-Gun Match: Enfield Jungle Carbine & Martini-Henry

    I have been wanting to bring my new (to me) No5 MkI Enfield "Jungle Carbine" out to a match, and chose this month's 2G-ACM to do it. In addition I am joined by Tom, who is shooting an original Mk IV Martini-Henry, complete with black powder .577-450 ammunition.

    This was a three-stage match, b...

  • The Mk I Martini Henry: The 2018 Riflechair Cabin Fever Challenge

    This year's challenge features the Martini-Henry

  • .577/450 Martini-Henry 10 Rounds Rapid (Video Collaboration)

    Since the available .577/480" ammo didn't fit in the available Martini-Henry rifle when making the Great British Rates of Fire Disaster Video here:

    ... a friend of the channel who goes by the name of Stan_Da_Bout on the Army Rumour Service offered to...

  • The Mk I Martini-Henry: Rate of Fire Experiments

    Testing the Martini in rapid fire and applying the results to a tactical situation.

  • The Mk I Martini-Henry: Volley Firing Experiments

    A follow on to the "Rifle Exercises" clip. In this video we'll conduct an experiment to determine which set of drills (the pre and post 1881 versions) result in better accuracy.