455 Friday: Which Is The "Best" Late-WW1 .455 Revolver?
Bloke on the Range
What could possibly be better than a 50-cal Friday? How about a 455 Friday, featuring all of the 3 main late-war British .455 Service revolvers? Unfortunately does not feature exploding fruit or rubbber zombies, sorry.... Falls under "stuff we can't get away with on our range".
Bloke, Bloke Senior, Nick and Nick Senior try their hand at each of the three (a Webley Mk.VI, a Colt New Service and a S&W Hand Ejector second model), to see which one is the "best". Nick Junior handles the camera.
Busybody by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
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