Crimping Heeled Boolits
Bloke on the Range
Quite a lot of first gen black powder cartridges, in particular rimfire ones, make use of heeled projectiles. This presents a bit of a challenge if you require a hard crimp using commonly available dies. As a public service the Chap presents a solution well known in France for the 11mm 1873 French revolver cartridge but essentially adaptable to any cartridge as long as a suitable collet crimp die can be found... Oh and a lathe!
Up Next in Bloke on the Range
[001a] BotR Strip Club bis: Bloke Jr ...
So Bloke Jr. (age 9) finds the solution to the issue with the 10 round 7.62 NATO chargers in the Sterling Conversion Lee-Enfield No.4! And it's non-obvious!
And cos he found the solution, he got to run the camera!
Flintlock Frizzen Alchemy
The Chap is determined to refresh the tired, bruised and battered frizzen on his cherished old Baker. Two methods are tried out with varied results.
FN Browning Hi Power Trigger Mechanis...
Yet more Browning Hi-Power GP35 mechanical nerdery for you: this time it's what's simultaneously really clever but really dumb/awful/craptastic about the trigger mechanism.
The Browning Hi Power GP35 has possibly the worst magazine safety ever devised, and this vid explains why, with reference...