Challenge Tir Sportif 2024 (EN SUBTITLES)
Bloke on the Range
Chappy takes part in the yearly friendly French guntuber challenge. Categories vary year upon year and the only prize is one's own pride and vanity. This year we have 25m CF pistol, 25m CF pistol rapid fire, 25m black powder pistol, 50m RF rifle and a fun attempt at shooting a smiley :)
Up Next in Bloke on the Range
Alpenflage: Why Red? Alpine meadows? ...
Here, we answer the question as to why there's red in the Alpenflage / TAZ 57 / TAZ 61 / TAZ 83 uniform camouflage pattern. And then we look at a bunch of stuff under IR, including:
TAZ 90, Splinter tent sheets, various helmet covers, blue woolFinnish:
M62, M91, M04, M05British / DPM ...
Tale of Two Sterlings: Mk.4 (open bol...
Thanks to supporters, BotR now has a second Sterling SMG subgat! This one is a factory original Mk.6, the factory closed bolt version. Bloke has been doing sterling work (geddit?!?) with his open bolt Mk.4 for a number of years now, and the opportunity to add a closed bolt Mk.6 to the channel col...
Men of Empire Drink Beer And Talk Gat...
Download Audio As A Podcast Here:
So Rowan of @dsar9489 was within striking distance of Schloss BotR, so how could Bloke turn down the chance of beers with his Aussie mate when he had nothing else on that weeken...