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So Many AR-18 Derivatives: How Come? What About Armalite's Patents?

Bloke on the Range • 24m
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Varusteleka Remote Military March 2023

Chappie heads out solo for this year's VRMM. Join him as he marches in the alpine foothills with a running commentary about anything that comes into his head.

AIA Frankenrifle With 7.62x39 SAKO Am...

In preparation for this year's Lynx Brutality, organised by @PolenarTactical in Slovenia, Bloke put a Holosun 503 on his famous Australian International Arms M10A1 "Frankenrifle" in 7.62x39 (a modernized Lee-Enfield based rifle) and took it out to 300m with some unconscionably expensive SAKO am...

Taktitok MkII

Everyone has that one gun that they love and that has nothing to do with the rest of your collection. It may be ugly, or inaccurate or tacky or just plain weird but you love it no matter what anyone says. For the Chap that gun is the humble TT33 or in this case a slightly more modern Zastava M57A...