Bloke on the Range

Bloke on the Range

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Bloke on the Range
  • Tactitok - Fitting A Rubber Zastava M57 Grip To A Tokarev TT33

    The Chap takes his Dremel and his handiness to a Zastava M57 grip to make it fit his Tokarev TT33, and does a very good job of it. The Bloke is still unsure why he wanted to do this, and put a small public safety announcement at the start of the video as a precaution. Don't worry, we've had The C...

  • A Quick And Easy Way To Deal With Corrosive Ammo: Ballistol Moose Milk

    Bloke shows the easiest way to deal with corrosive ammo: 50:50 ballistol:water

    If you're shooting old .30-06, or old Combloc ammo with corrosive primers, this is one of the simplest and least unpleasant ways to deal with it when cleaning your rifle or pistol.

  • Lee-Enfield No.4 vs. Kar98k: Charger Loading

    The Bloke demonstrates charger loading a Lee-Enfield No.4 with a moderately-decent stripper clip, and also a Mauser Kar98k. Which is better? If either........ Obviously a No.4 with a completely useless clip sucks.

  • Swiss Straight-Pulls #4: IG 1889/96

    Alternative title: Episode IV: The Lugs Strike Forwards

    Continuing our series on the Swiss straight-pulls, we get to the next in the series: the Infanteriegewehr 1889/96. Basically an 1889 with the locking lugs moved to the front of the bolt sleeve, so to the middle of the bolt. That's it. Sou...

  • Busting The Mad Minute Myth With The Musketry Regulations 1909

    WARNING: boring, geeky video alert!

    Thanks to various gunwriters over the past century, it is commonly believed that all British soldiers in the runup to World War 1 had to shoot at least 15 rounds of rapid fire with their SMLE or long Lee-Enfield .303" at 300 yards for their pay. In fact, thi...

  • Primary Extraction: A Blokesplainage With M1, Kar98k, Lee-Enfield No.4 and K31

    By surprisingly popular demand, here's a video about primary extraction, which is how a sticky case is shaken loose from the chamber after firing.

    Featuring an M1 Garand, which has (almost?) no primary extraction, a Mauser Kar98k which has the most common type of cam-based extraction, a Lee-En...

  • An Interestingly Manky Mauser Kar98k: How Did It Wear?

    NB: Filmed a while ago, I've learned some more about this particular rifle since (see below). And I've since modded the extractor to work like it's supposed to - at the time of filming, the front face was absolutely flat and had no bevel, so would NOT clip over the rim of a chambered round.


  • Swiss Sub-Calibre Inserts #1: K31 Airgun Insert By Hämmerli

    The Chap got rather lucky a while back and managed to score himself one of the elusive Hämmerli airgun inserts for the Swiss K31 rifle. Relieved of his monies, he returned home with his prize.

    This little beauty sticks into the barrel and locks into the ejection opening, and is a side-handle s...

  • Shooting Jackets And Using A Side-Mounted Sling

    By surprisingly popular demand, a look at The Bloke's shooting jacket, and how to use a side-mounted sling such as on a Swiss Schmidt-Rubin K31, K11, Mauser Kar98k or whatever. Also includes a brief digression into why you should not attempt to free-float a rifle like a K31 (or a Lee-Enfield No.4).

  • Paper Patching For .577/450 Martini-Henry

    The Chap gives a brief demonstration of the whys and wherefores of paper patching, and gives a demonstration with some Martini-Henry bullets. This type of bullet was very prevalent in the black powder cartridge era.

  • How Does Lee Enfield Ejection Actually Work?

    Bloke takes the ejector screw out of his Lee-Enfield No.4 to show that it's not actually the ejector screw that deals with ejection of empty cases. In fact, it's only necessary for ejecting live rounds, particularly when doing a pumping back-and-forth unload.

    He explains how this can be so!


  • Muzzle-Loading Revolver Without A Massive Box Of Kit

    A brief, no-commentary demonstration that it is indeed entirely possible to shoot muzzle-loading revolver without carting around a massive crate of stuff, and without making up paper cartridges or anything! Bloke's pretty minimalist BP revolver shooting!

  • Rifle Feldschiessen 2017 With... K11's Over Open Sights!

    For this year's rifle Feldschiessen, The Chap and The Bloke decided to shoot with the worst possible rifles allowed by the rules. So they dusted off their Schmidt-Rubin K11's, zeroed them 3 days prior to the match, and went at it over open sights. Because reasons, but mostly cos they're a complet...

  • Swiss Straight-Pulls #5: 1897 Kadettengewehr

    So moving on with the Swiss straight-pulls series, we get up to the Schmidt-Rubin 1897 Kadettengewehr, the Cadet rifle. This might seem an irrelevant branch of the family, but it really isn't. It's the basis for another, more interesting one, which will come later. As a reminder, we're still in t...

  • Feldschiessen 25m Pistol 2017

    Bloke and Chap try their hand at the 25m Pistol Feldschiessen. Bloke is boring and shoots his SIG P210 two-handed, whereas Chap shows some class and shoots his Luger Parabellum 00/06 one handed like a champ.

  • Why Lee-Enfield Rimjams Are Not A Big Deal

    So, like, rimmed ammo is a massive systematic problem, and weren't the British so stupid for keeping it around for so long, eh? I mean, it's bound to inevitably cause rimjams like every time you reload cos a rim will catch behind another rim, how massively stupid is that? Cos Mosin-Nagants with i...

  • Swiss Straight-Pulls #3: K93 Mannlicher

    The Bloke, with the help of the chap's handy hands, takes a detailed look at the Swiss Karabiner 93, a Mannlicher straight-pull with basically the same action as an M95 Steyr. This is the only Swiss straight-pull that is Austrian rather than Swiss.

    Chambered in 7.5x53.5 GP90 - a smokeless (not...

  • The Ultimate Mauser vs. Lee-Enfield Video

    Yes, Bloke on the Range has finally answered this question once and for all! Now we all know the objective answer to the question of which is better? The Lee-Enfield (of course which exact one is never specified - could be anything from a Lee-Metford, through an SMLE to an L42, although a No.4 ap...

  • Q&A Volume 1

    Cos we're original like that.

    The Bloke and The Chap answer questions posed by Patreon subscribers. Topics covered: acquiring firearms in Switzerland, dream firearms, how the cr@p they ended up in Switzerland, how the P14 safety works, and more.

  • Mauser Kar98k: The Best Design Features

    Bloke ropes in his slightly suspect German cousin Kurt Kerl to explain some of the most awesome design features built into the Mauser Kar98k - the pinnacle of German bolt-action rifle design.

    (And yes, both Kurt and The Bloke are aware that the bolt is probably from a Gew 98, a Standard-Modell...

  • Swiss Straight-Pulls Episode 2bis: 1889 Rifle Mechanics

    As mentioned in the previous video, The Bloke had to split what would have been a massive single episode into two. So this is the second part. Schmidt-Rubin striaght-pull 1889 rifle mechanics. Have at it!

  • Wool vs. Cotton Uniforms 2: Getting Wet For Science!

    Continuing the very serious and highly scientific theme of testing the performance of wool serge vs. cotton military clothing, The Bloke and The Chap get their old uniforms slightly damp. Or at least mildly moist. In the most creative way they could: by attempting to waterski. Badly. Up a mountai...

  • Why Do Revolver Barrels Point Downwards?

    The Bloke takes a trip to the range to blokesplain why revolver sights are set to have the barrel point quite a bit downwards, muzzle flip, and why different bullet weights can shoot to quite different points of impact.

  • Historical Documents: "Just Say No" (Bullpups) Campaign 1986

    The Bloke has recently unearthed some important Historical Documents relating to the SA80 adoption. In 1986, the cast of the BBC's Grange Hill soap opera for kids produced a hit single as part of a campaign to un-adopt the SA80 and adopt the M16 or FN FNC in its place.

    The campaign failed for...