Bloke on the Range

Bloke on the Range

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Bloke on the Range
  • Recreating Original Chassepot M1866 Needlefire Paper Cartridges

    The Chap takes you through how original French Chassepot M1866 paper needlefire cartridges were made, and how he does it. Contains lashings of black powder, and better-than-a-Dryse cartridges!

  • Tales of Swiss Neutrality: Geography and Economic Factors, WW1, WW2

    Bloke goes up a tower on the first ridge of the Jura mountains to brave the wind and discuss on a rather superficial level a number of geographic and economic factors that affected Switzerland in worlds wars 1 and 2.

  • BotR Patreon Q&A May 2018

    0:18 Mike's favourite shooting disciplines
    1:51 Mike's favourite Lee-Enfield producing factory
    3:58 Y U no more shoot IPSC? What did you shoot it with?
    6:45 Any chance Blokish participation in Desert Brutality 2019?
    7:04 Swiss gun culture: are "non-traditional" disciplines hidden fro...

  • SIG Sturmgewehr 57: Overview, Shooting And Mechanics

    Bloke and Chap take you through the Swiss Stgw 57 (not StG, that's German), in a video liberally sprinkled with live fire footage from "Kampf der Infanterie". Also known as the SIG 510, this rifle was in Swiss service from 1960 until the 1990's, and fires 7.5x55 GP11 .

    Footage from "Der Kampf ...

  • Belgian M1871 Comblain Civil Guard Rifle

    The Chap takes you through the 1871 Belgian Rifle, a very Winchester High Wall falling block type of single shot black powder affair, built for the Belgian Civil Guard and widely adopted in South America

  • Beige on the Range: Introducing Lindybeige To Four WW2 Rifles

    Yes, Lindybeige paid a visit to Schloss Bloke in Switzerland, and did some shooting! With a selection of four Second World War rifles:

    - M1 Garand (7.62 NATO not .30-06)
    - Mauser Kar98k (7.92x57),
    - Lee-Enfield No.4, (.303 British) and
    - Schmidt-Rubin K31 (7.5x55 GP11)

    How did he feel ab...

  • The Very British Rates of Fire Disaster Video

    Bono estente! Down in Bella Italia, Bloke meets up with Kevin of SBAM shooting for a spot of shooting and banter on the range. BotR combining with SBAM is a bit like crossing the beams in Ghostbusters (the original one), and disaster would have to ensue. By definition. Ammo didn't turn up, and wh...

  • A First Generation British 7.62mm Target Rifle Based On A Lee-Enfield No.4

    Mike shows off a friend's first generation British 7.62mm Target Rifle, based on a Lee-Enfield No.4.

    Newsreel footage used under fair use.

    Thanks to 4(T) for a few pictures!

  • BotR and British Muzzleloaders Discussion: Boer War Lessons Learned

    Mike and Rob discuss how the lessons learned in the Boer War impacted the rifles and personal carrying equipment of the British soldier in the run up to 1914. How and why did it result ultimately in the SMLE Mk.III and 1908-pattern belt kit, from a starting point of the MLE/MLM and Slade-Wallace ...

  • Swiss Sub-Calibre Systems: More Lienhards!

    Following on from an earlier vid, The Chap takes you through a couple of other of Mr. Lienhard's sub calibre contraptions for indoor training with rifle and pistol. In this case, another Schmid-Rubin 7.5x55 GP11 adaptor, another Parabellum (Luger) 7.65 Para device, and another for the SIG P210 pi...

  • Britishmuzzleloaders Collab: Lee-Enfield CQB Part 2 of 2

    Mike and Rob continue their look at official British WW2 close quarter battle CQB techniques, this time from Weapons Training Memorandum 7 from 1944, downloadable here: Plus, support those guys!

    This is the earliest official reference...

  • Lightweight .303 British BREN Mk.3 LMG Mechanics

    With many thanks to our friends as mentioned in the video, here we take a look at the mechanics of the lightweight BREN Mk.3 LMG, issued initially for airborne and jungle use from 1944 onwards, but which found wider usage in Korea, Malaya, Borneo and beyond.

    Too many jump cuts, I know. Sorry....

  • Morgartenschiessen 2018: Some History, 12 Shots, And A Discussion On Psychology

    Mike gets up at sill o'clock to go and shoot the 50m pistol Morgartenschiessen 2018. In doing so, he talks about the Battle of Morgarten, its significance, and discusses with his friend Budi the difficulties this shoot presents.


    Lift Music Provided By: Mediacharger:

  • The Old-Fashioned Way of Bore Sighting

    Save ammo! And save money buying unnecessary laser bore-sighting equipment! The Bloke bores you all senseless showing you the old-fashioned way to do it with his Hege-bubba'd Spanish M43 Mauser in .308 Win!

  • EASY VERSION!!! M1866 Chassepot Paper Cartridges

    This is a followup to an epicly long vid on the original cartridges:

    The Chap takes you through a much easier way to confect M1866 Chassepot paper needlefire cartridges for any 45-ish calibre black powder rifle bullet.


    Intro: Composer of this track: Pat...

  • Development Of The Vetterli Stutzer Set Trigger, 1871-1881

    The Chap takes a stroll around Vetterli Stutzer set triggers, and gives a brief history of the role of the Sharpshooters in the Swiss military of the era.

  • Früwirth M1872 Austrian Gendarmerie Repeating Carbine

    The Chap takes a look at a Früwirth M1872 Austrian Gendarmerie Carbine. Not a Fruhwirth, Frühwirth, Fruwirt, Frühwirt or any other wierd spelling, but Früwirth. This was a critical developmental step on the way to the Kropatschek M1886.

  • French Chassepot Needle Rifle Metallic Cartridge Conversion Kit

    The Chap takes you through a new metallic conversion kit for the 11mm Chassepot Needle Rifle, which easily converts it to use particular metallic cartridges, and takes it out to the range and shoots it!

    The kit is from H&C Collection

  • The Truth About Switzerland's Gun Regulations: Not The Daily Show's Fake News Version

    The Daily Show recently produced a couple of videos about Switzerland's gun culture. Although broadly positive and in favour of the Swiss, it of course contained some Fake News: basically both videos contained some misleading graphics and incredibly false statements about certain aspects of Swiss...

  • British Pattern 1914 .303 Rifle: History, Overview And Shooting

    Bloke takes a friend's .303 P14 rifle (aka Rifle, No.3 Mk.1 (W)) out to the range and blathers a lot about it before finally getting down to some hot shooting action. The P14 rifle was a modification of the Pattern 13 Trials Rifles from before WW1, which fired a ridiculous .276 / 7mm cartridge at...

  • 1886 Mannlicher Straight-Pull

    The Chap has a blat with his M1886 Mannlicher on the range, then takes you through it in the workshop.

  • Swiss Bunker Layout: Sperrstelle Sattelegg, An Entrance To The Redoubt

    The Bloke takes you around the Sperrstelle Sattelegg, near Wimmis in the Berner Oberland, discussing the Swiss defence strategy for WW2 and the Cold War, and how this particular bunker layout protects one of the entrances to the so-called Redoubt (Réduit National).
    Link to the location: https://w...

  • Swiss Sub-Calibre Systems: Stgw 90 / SIG 550

    The Chap takes a look at the Wyss and Furter sub calibre training systems for the Swiss Stgw 90 / SIG 550.

  • Swiss Sub-Calibre Systems: Lienhard for Rifle and Pistol

    The Chap demostrates the rather spiffy 4mm Lienhard sub-calibre training insert systems for Swiss straight-pull rifles, and the Swiss Parabellum (Luger) pistol. And, he shoots them in his Schmidt-Rubin K11 and 00/06 Parabellum pistol!

    Thanks to for the use of their photo!