Bloke on the Range

Bloke on the Range

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Bloke on the Range
  • L2A2 SUIT 4x Sight Followup: Fails On The Range And Is Replaced By PA SLx 3

    In a followup to an earlier video, Bloke takes his 7.62mm L1A1 SLR to the range with his L2A2 SUIT (Sight Unit, Infantry, Trilux) on it in order to demonstrate how it makes the rifle group worse and doesn't hold zero.

    In the process, it self-destructed and gave him a nice Glasgow kiss, which wil...

  • Patreon Q&A: January 2018 Edition

    A somewhat tired Bloke and Chap answer Patreon's questions in some pretty poor acoustics! And of course, a BotR episode wouldn't be complete without some form of screw up somewhere along the line......


    0:34 K31 tuning
    2:02 Eating powder
    2:41 What's the deal with the P14

  • Extra Video: 8x50R Mannlicher M95 Straight-Pull at 300m!

    Bloke takes his Bulgarian-contract 8x50R Mannlicher M95 straight pull rifle out for a spin at 300m. It's really surprisingly accurate!

    Music Created By : EternalSushi
    Song Title: Undertale - Megalovania Elevator Jazz
    Credit link:

  • Tikka T3x Arctic / Canadian Rangers C19 Rifle, 7.62 / .308 Win

    Bloke unboxes and takes a first look at the Tikka T3x Arctic rifle, adopted as the C19 rifle for the Canadian Rangers in 7.62 NATO / .308 Winchester. Is the hype real? Oh yes! Yes, it really is!

  • Extra Video: A Very Quick Look At All The Swiss WW2 Ground Machine Guns!

    Thanks to the RUAG Ammotech museum, here's a very brief look at the three ground-role machine guns in Swiss service in WW2. All in 7.5x55 GP11, one is a French Chatellerault for tanks (the Swiss bought French tanks), a Furrer LMG 25 (with toggle locking, of course), and a Maxim MG11.


  • Indoor Training Kit For Muzzleloading Percussion Revolvers: H&C Collection

    To the tune of the Red Dwarf theme:

    It's cold outside / there's no kind of atmosphere / I want to shoot / revolver / there's a kit / and it comes from France / fun, fun, fun / in the barn, barn barn!

    Yes indeed, H&C Collection make a kit for indoor training with black powder muzzleloading p...

  • EXTRA VIDEO: Yes, M95 Mannlicher Straight Pull Rifles Do Have Primary Extraction

    Another "contrary to popular belief" mythbust: yes, M95 Mannlicher straight pull rifles do indeed have primary extraction.

    Music Created By : EternalSushi
    Song Title: Undertale - Megalovania Elevator Jazz
    Credit link:

  • Not Quite Mad Minute With A .303 Lee-Enfield No.4

    In a slight deviation from normal mad minute programming, Mike takes a look at a more or less practical 15 rounds, and discusses the important point that if you can in principle fire 25+ rounds, when you dial it back to 15 you can spend much more time doing things like aiming, worrying about your...

  • Minty Mauser "Fake" Kar98k Sniper Ammo Test at 300m (almost a PUBG gun)

    A bit long this one, but I thought some people might like to see the whole process, and how some rifles will really like some ammo and not others.

    Here's Bloke's "Minty Mauser", which is a Spanish M43 (kinda almost VZ24 / Kar98k configuration), with a scope mount and turned down bolt handle do...

  • Swiss Straight Pulls 6 Addendum: Shooting a M1900 Kurzgewehr

    An addendum to an earlier video...

    Bloke gets loaned a back-converted M1900 Kurzgewehr and some re-primed original 1910 dated GP90 ammo to try out at 300m!

    This one was originally a 1900 Short Rifle, was officially converted to a K00/11, and then unofficially converted back to a model 1900.


  • EXTRA VID: How Well Does A Mint 1963 Factory 26 Type 56 / SKS Carbine Shoot?

    Bloke takes his mint 1963 dated Chinese Type 56 Carbine / SKS out to 300m to see how well it is zeroed, and how well it shoots. The first shot you see here is genuinely his first ever shot with this rifle at any distance.

    It is surprisingly well zeroed with S&B 123gn FMJ out the box, and shoot...

  • Ishapore .303" Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* 1945: Getting the Iffy Ishy SMLE Ready

    By a surprising amount of popular demand, here's what Bloke did to get his 1945-dated Indian Ishapore-built .303" SMLE no.1 Mk.III* ("Iffy Ishy") ready for the range.

    And the answer is: basically as little as possible. But this was a bigger task than he first anticipated!

    Also contains som...

  • German Firearms Law Basics: As Of April 2019

    Alex came to Schloss Bloke to talk about German firearms laws, and how they work as of April 2019. He explains how it works for sports shooters, hunters and collectors, and some of the exemptions.

    Yes it's long. Yes it's complicated. No, that's not all of it - all the little exceptions and lit...

  • Extra Video: .303 British Lee-Enfield No.4: Big Vs Small Aperture Sights At 300m

    Yes, so the big aperture bit of this footage has been used in an earlier Extra Vid. But what are these Extra Vids for, if not for re-cycling footage to illustrate specific points? In this case, that the Lee-Enfield No.4 big aperture isn't less accurate than the small aperture to any meaningful de...

  • Pronunciation Wars: the British English Perspective On "Carbine" and ".30-06"

    After Mike got a reference in a Taofledermaus video here: it was only a matter of time before he felt that he OUGHT to weigh in on the Highly Important Topic of the British perspective on the important questions of how to pronounce "Carbine" and ".30-06...

  • Swedish 1815/38 Flintlock Musket: History And Practical Accuracy

    The Chap takes a look at his muzzleloading Swedish 1815/38 flintlock musket, and sees what it can do on the range.

    Black powder can be fun!

  • 100th (and last ever) Neueneggschiessen: History And Shooting

    Bloke and Chap participate with their Schmidt-Rubin G11 and K11 in the 100th and last ever Neueneggschiessen. Includes a history of the Battle of Neuenegg.

    Thanks to David for the footage of the three shots into the cold grave. Here's his Twitter:
    And the Faceb...

  • The Chap Prepares To Make Some Replica French WW2 Ammo Pouches

    First in a new series of at least one other video, The Chap talks about French WW2 ammo pouches and his project to make himself a reproduction pair!

  • First-Person K31 Operator: Murtenschiessen 2019 FPS with Bloke and Chap

    So back in 2016, Bloke filmed the Murtenschiessen in early-BotR quality, with the history of the Battle of Murten 1476.

    This year, both Bloke and Chap were invited to shoot by the Société de Tir de la Ville de Fribourg, one of the oldest shooting clubs in Switzerland, founded in 1493, so only a ...

  • French WW2 Ammo Pouches Part Deux: Making Them

    Follow my fumbling steps into amateur leatherwork. I'm sure the leathersmiths amongst us with tut, roll eyes, scowl and gnash their teeth but then again, it worked!

    The basic breakdown of construction of the pouches (in French) can be found at:

  • Welrod .32 ACP Range Test for Accuracy and Sound

    Matt of M426 lets BotR test his .32 ACP Welrod pistol [desperately trying not to use trigger words that will set off the YouTube bots...] Even with the rubber wipes shot through, it's really quite quiet - not silent, but comfortable without hearing protection. Also, it's certainly acceptably accu...

  • Huot: Canada's Ross-based Prototype Automatic Rifle from WW1

    Due to a shortage of Lewis guns and a glut of withdrawn Ross Mk.III rifles once the Canadian Expeditionary Force had been completely re-equipped with Lee-Enfield SMLE rifles, Monsieur Huot proposed to modify Ross rifles into an automatic rifle / light machine gun (LMG) configuration.

    5 of the...

  • Swiss 18mm Rimfire Milbank-Amsler

    Those big old rimfires are wallhangers no more. Learn how to get them booming once again!

    Here is my nifty way of making what you need and without expensive tools and basic machining skills. Applicable for feeding not only Milbank-Amslers large and small, but also Swiss Peabodys, Vetterlis, W...

  • Lee-Enfield No.4 Action Extreme Stress Test


    So we deliberately overstressed a Lee-Enfield No.4 rifle, with .300 WinMag cartridges, both dry and oiled. What happened?
