Molotovs at the Range: Finnish Brutality 2025 Day 2
Varusteleka's Patrol Coverall that I was using today is available here:
Finnish Brutality 2025 took the standard for practical shooting matches and raised it again - by making it a true winter match. Run by Varusteleka, a Finnish military and outdoor good supplier, it was ten stages of shooting over two days and took place a bit north of Helsinki. There were 200 competitors this year, and two thirds of them were in the Armored division, shooting with rifle plates and other gear (mandatory minimum of 26lb total). The stages were a bit less physically challenging than in previous years, but included a bunch of very cool elements including ATVs, shooting from skis, ice water, and - of course - Molotov cocktails.
I was in Armored myself, using my original WWSD carbine with a Spuhr mount and Aimpoint Acro P2. For a pistol, I used a Springfield Echelon. I ended up taking 43rd of 200 shooters, which I am extremely pleased with!
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A Rookie's Guide to Finnish Brutality...
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