Morphy's April 2019 Wrapup
Forgotten Weapons
6m 59s
Today we are looking at the results from the Morphy's April 2019 sale to see what happened with the guns that I featured in videos over the last few weeks.
Up Next in Forgotten Weapons
Ingram M10 & M11 SMGs: The Originals ...
After the commercial failure of Gordon Ingram’s M6 submachine gun in the early 50s, we would radically change the layout of his designs. Instead of a Thompson lookalike Ingram’s M10 (the M7, M8, and M9 doing experimental prototypes only) would be a boxy and compact affair with a Czech-style teles...
The Last Dreyse Needlefire: 1874 Bord...
The Dreyse needle fire rifle was invented by Niclaus von Dreyse in 1836, adopted by Prussia in 1841, and would serve as their standard military rifle for 30 years, undergoing constant tweaking and improvements. By 1871, however, the days of the needle fire were coming to a rapid end, as it was re...
Bavarian Lightning: The 1869 Werder P...
Adopted by Bavaria in 1869, Johann-Ludwig Werder’s breechloading rifle was a brilliant piece of engineering, offering an automatically ejecting falling-block system with a remarkably high effective rate of fire and a wonderfully modular system of parts. Removing a single screw releases the entire...