Q&A #7: Obsolete Guns, Coffee Grinder Stocks, and More!
Forgotten Weapons
Another set of questions from my awesome Patreon contributors!
0:43 - Guns flexing in slow motion
3:41 - Destructives Devices - the guns vs the ammo
9:54 - What makes some stocked pistols exempt from the NFA?
14:41 - Unusual things build into rifle stocks
17:36 - Best rifle/pistol that never was (sort of)
19:33 - Pronouncing the word "Walther"
20:55 - Submachine guns and Advance Primer Ignition (API)
23:53 - Are we at a firearms development plateau?
26:04 - Why don't we see higher velocity bullets?
29:12 - How do I do my research?
33:53 - Are submachine guns obsolete?
36:58 - Most obsolete gun at the time of its introduction
38:50 - Intermediate rounds as alternatives to 5.56 NATO
Up Next in Forgotten Weapons
Whitney-Scharf - The Last Rifle From ...
The Whitney-Scharf was the final rifle manufactured by the Whitney company before it was bought out and closed down by Winchester in 1888. Only about 2,000 of these rifles were made before that time.
M134 Minigun: The Modern Gatling Gun
The General Electric M134 "Minigun" is essentially an electrically-powered Gatling gun - the conceptual operation of the gun is identical to Dr. Gatling's original creation. What has changed, however, is the chambering (it's in 7.62 NATO), the power source (an electric motor), and the feed mechan...
Q&A #3: What-Ifs and How-Comes
In this month's Q&A video, I take on more questions from my wonderful Patreon supporters, including:
* Would we still have Browning pistols if the 1911 had not been adopted?
* Gun designs from non-industrialized places
* British .303 Conversions of the Martini
* Weapons best left forgotten