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  • Primary Arms' HTX-1: A Completely US-Made Red Dot Sight

    Primary Arms just recently announced their HTX-1 red dot, and it sounds pretty cool. From a technical perspective, it has a lot of good points - a clever adapter plate mounting system, two different reticles, and a fully enclosed emitter. However I think the more interesting (and less appreciated...

  • Red Dots: How Cheap is too Cheap? (featuring Mike Branson)

    I met up with Mike Branson of Gideon Optics at SHOT Show 2025. Today, we are talking about red dot price and quality. It's easy to get a good red dot if you are willing to spend enough, but how cheap can you go and still have a reliable product?

  • The Infamous Klobb: Guns of GoldenEye N64

    We are really close to hitting the stretch goal to add a section on the Guns of GoldenEye N64 to Licensed Troubleshooter!

    For a lot of people, James Bond was introduced not by Sean Connery, but by a 64-bit rendit...

  • Sten MkII vs Ingram M10/9 (w/ John Keene)

    If you had to pick one, would you take a Sten MkII or an Ingram M10/9? This applies specifically to the guns in their original factory configurations; no Lage products allowed! It's hard to come up with a mass-production SMG that isn't obviously better than a MkII Sten, but the stock Ingrams migh...

  • Beretta M38A vs Suomi kp/31 (w/ John Keene)

    If you had to pick one, would you take an early Beretta 38A (with bayonet), or a Finnish kp/31 Suomi? Both have semiauto selectors, although the Beretta's its easier to use. The Suomi has a higher rate of fire and larger magazine capacity, but is slower to use. Both have roughly equivalent sights...

  • Men of Empire Drink Beer And Talk Gats: Rowan of @dsar9489 and Mike Discuss!

    Download Audio As A Podcast Here:

    So Rowan of @dsar9489 was within striking distance of Schloss BotR, so how could Bloke turn down the chance of beers with his Aussie mate when he had nothing else on that weeken...

  • Lynx Brutality 2024 Overview w/ Jari of Varusteleka

    Lynx Brutality 2024 is a wrap! Full match videos are coming in a couple days, but for now Jari and I will give you a brief overview of how the match went and what kit we used...

  • Researching Hungarian Kalashnikovs: Interview with László Becz

    Rifles on the Danube: Hungarian Kalashnikov Firearms 1959-2002 is available now on Kickstarter:

    Nic Jenzen-Jones, Director of Research for Headstamp Publishing, spent some time in Budapest speaking with László Becz, a...

  • The Truth Behind the One Chinese Red Dot Factory

    At SHOT Show this year Ian took some time to speak with Mike Branson of Gideon Optics (formerly of Primary Arms and Swampfox). Mike's a friend and a true optics nerd, and I figured he could help give folks an understanding of some of the fundamentals of modern firearms optics. Today the topic of...

  • Original US Military Machine Guns on the Civilian Market (w/ John Keene)

    Today Ian is back with NFA specialist John Keene of the Morphy Auction Company to talk about US military machine guns. Specifically, how intact and original examples end up in the civilian market. Some models, like the Reising, as very easy to find in completely original condition (almost hard no...

  • Fundamentals of LPVOs: Cheap vs Expensive

    At SHOT Show this year I took some time to speak with Mike Branson of Gideon Optics (formerly of Primary Arms and Swampfox). Mike's a friend and a true optics nerd, and I figured he could help give folks an understanding of some of the fundamentals of modern firearms optics. Today, we are talkin...

  • Q&A With Jonathan Ferguson of the British Royal Armouries

    Today I am joined by Jonathan Ferguson, Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the British Royal Armouries for a Q&A session, with questions provided by the fine folks who support Forgotten Weapons on Patreon...

    1:02 - Would the L85A1 have been better if Enfield wasn't being privatized while it was...

  • Presenting Guns in Video Games w/ Jonathan Ferguson

    Today I am joined by Jonathan Ferguson, Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history. We're talking about the representation of firearms in modern video games, in particular the changes in names...

  • Intro to Prism Scopes: What are they Anyway?

    At SHOT Show this year I took some time to speak with Mike Branson of Gideon Optics (formerly of Primary ands and Swampfox). Mike's a friend and a true optics nerd, and I figured he could help give folks an understanding of some of the fundamentals of modern firearms optics. Today, we are going ...

  • Cheap vs Expensive Red Dots: What's the Difference?

    At SHOT Show this year I took some time to speak with Mike Branson of Gideon Optics (formerly of Primary ands and Swampfox). Mike's a friend and a true optics nerd, and I figured he could help give folks an understanding of some of the fundamentals of modern firearms optics. Today, we are going ...

  • Correcting Gun Myths w/ Bloke on the Range: StGs, Carbines, and M16s

    #1: The AK is copied from the Sturmgewehr

    #2: Mattel made M16s

    #3: Chinese jackets in Korea stopped .30 Carbine rounds

    0:00 Introduction and discussion on the Lynx Brutality match in Slovenia
    0:28 Debunking and comparison of firearm myths: AK vs Sturmgewehr
    3:11 The history and development of ...

  • Interview with Richard Fisher of the Vickers Machine Gun Collection

    Richard Fisher, the director of the Vickers Machine Gun Collection and Research Association, was kind enough to invite us down to take a look at his collection of Vickers guns. Richard is a fantastic source of information on the Vickers, and British small arms more generally, so it was a real ple...

  • Finnish Brutality 2023: A True Bucket-List Experience for Derek the SF Medic

    I took a few minutes at Finnish Brutality 2023 to chat with Derek, a former Range and SF medic who overcame some quite daunting personal challenges to come shoot the match despite stage 4 cancer. It was great to hang out with him at the match, and to take inspiration from his story!

  • Why Are the Russians So Bad? War Stories from Ukraine with Neil Vermillion

    Back by popular demand, we have Neil Vermillion again today. We're talking about his experiences while volunteering as a trainer for troops in Ukraine. We're going to discuss why the Russians underperformed so badly, what the Ukrainians are doing well to adapt and improve, and perhaps why he has ...

  • Flamethrower Q&A with Charlie Hobson

    You can find Charlie Hobson's book, "US Portable Flamethrowers" here:

    Rather than doing a monthly Q&A myself, I decided to take advantage of a visit from Charlie Hobson and answer some questions about flamethrowers. These questions all ca...

  • Introduction to Military Flamethrowers with Charlie Hobson

    You can find Charlie Hobson's book, "US Portable Flamethrowers" here:

    Flamethrowers are a significant piece of military weapons history which are very widely misunderstood, as flamethrowers have never been the subject of nearly as much co...

  • Interview with Ashley Hlebinsky - Cody Firearms Museum Curator

    Sorry about the sound quality! I did my best to clean it up, but the air conditioning system in the museum had a more significant impact on the video that I had anticipated.

    Ashley Hlebinsky is the Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum, and today we a...

  • State of the NFA Collecting Community 2019, with John Keene

    When I film at the Morphy Company, I always enjoy taking time to chat with Master Sergeant (retired) John Keene, who is their NFA expert. He always has some very interesting insights into the state and trends of the machine gun collecting community. This time, I figured I would share some of that...

  • Developmental History of the AK with Max Popenker

    I am very happy to be joined today via Skype by Russian small arms researcher Max Popenker. You may know Max from his nearly 20 years publishing, one of the original small arms reference web sites. He has also written numerous magazine articles and several books in both Russian and ...