Shooting the Ishapore MkIII Vickers-Berthier LMG
Light MGs
5m 43s
The Vickers-Berthier MkIII was adopted by the Indian army in 1933, and served through World War Two and into the 1970s (at least). It is chambered for the standard .303 British cartridge, fires from an open bolt, and uses top-mounted 30-round magazines. I didn't know exactly what to expect when I had the chance to fire this one - and it turned out the be an excellent experience.
The rate of fire on the Vickers-Berthier is relatively low, and I found it to be an exceptionally stable and controllable gun to fire from its bipod. I don't know if it's the unusual muzzle brake design or other factors as well, but the sight picture remains stable and clear in a way that few other LMGs have matched in my experience.
Thanks to Marstar for letting me examine and shoot their Vickers-Berthier!
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