[Barbarossa] Would an Earlier Date made a Difference?
Military History Visualized
3m 56s
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv There are many comments and remarks that state that if the Operation Barbarossa would have started about a month earlier, it would have been successful or at least that Moscow could have been taken. In this video I will take a look at the basic claim and some other information, like German losses, attrition of equipment, logistical situation and the overall exhaustion of the German Army. *References* (1) Numbers of men are mostly from Müller-Hillebrand, Burkhart: Das Heer - Band 3 and some are from Glantz. (2) Numbers of tanks are from Müller-Hillebrand, Burkhart: Das Heer - Band 3 (Anhang/Appendix 22). (3) The meeting in mid November 1941 was the meeting at Orsha. (S. 95; Hitlers Krieg im Osten; Ueberschär; also Glantz) *Sources* David M. Glantz Jonathan M. House: When Titans Clashed - How the Red Army stopped Hitler Müller, Rolf-Dieter; Ueberschär, Gerd R.: Hitlers Krieg im Osten 1941-1945 - Ein Forschungsbericht Müller-Hillebrand, Burkhart: Das Heer - Band 3 - 1941-1945 Glantz: The Soviet-German War 1941-1945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay Kriegstagebuch Halder https://archive.org/stream/kriegstagebuchde01jacorich#page/702/mode/2up
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