Battle Of Britain: Setting and the British Defense Organization
Military History Visualized
4m 7s
Patreon: ---** Social Media **--- facebook: twitter: twitter: ---** Description **--- This video is the first in a short series on the Battle of Britain. It shows the basic setup in planes and men for the Fighter Command and the Luftwaffe fighters in August 1940. Furthermore, it will discuss the main problems of the Luftwaffe and the elaborate organization of the British Defense with Fighter Command, Group HQs and Sector Stations. How the Chain Home and Low Chain Home system were integrated and how all the information was passed from the different units. See Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” below for further information. Other videos about the Battle of Britain: -------------- Sources -------------- Overy, Richard: The Battle of Britain – The Myth and the Reality Maier, Klaus A.: Die Luftschlacht über England in: Michalka, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Der Zweite Weltkrieg James, T.C.G.: The Battle of Britain The RAF Fighter Control System Roundel Round-Up RAF Museum – Background Battle of Britain -------------- Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” -------------- The numbers are mostly from Overy (see sources). Often those numbers are at the beginning or end of the month, but usually for different dates for the German and British forces. For simplicity I only state the month. This video is intended to give a clear and short overview, hence certain details won’t be included.
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