British Armour Doctrine & Tactics World War 2 with David Willey
Military History Visualized
David Willey the Curator of the Tank Museum at Bovington explains British Interwar and World War 2 Armour Doctrine and Tactics. Especially, about the Infantry and Cruiser tank "concept". Additionally, we talk a bit about the 2nd Battle of El Alamein, Montgomery and Rommel. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - » subscribe star - » paypal donation - » YouTube Membership - »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - » SOURCES « our brains » CREDITS & SPECIAL THX « Song: Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone
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