Chieftain about Tanks from Poland to Iraq
Military History Visualized
1h 6m
A talk with Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran the military historian for Wargaming America / World of tanks and me. (Note: this was a private meeting). We talk about Shermans, Panzer IIIs, Panzer IVs, US Tank Crew Losses in World War 2, Guderian, Doyle, Liddell Hart, dust signature, tank bites, logistics, tactics, operations, Patton, intelligence, North Africa, Sicily, Normandy, Iraq, Zombies and a few other topics that crossed our minds. All in front of a Flak Tower (Command Version) in Vienna, Austria. Link to Chieftain’s Channel: »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation - » Book Wishlist »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » twitter - » facebook - » twitch - » - » SOURCES « Herrera, Geoffrey L.: Inventing the Railroad and Rifle Revolution: Information, Military Innovation and the Rise of Germany. In: The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 27, June 2004, p. 243-271 Army Air Forces Statistical Digest, World War II Operation Think Tank – Question on Influence of Liddell Hart & Guderian (timestamped) Pöhlmann, Markus: Der Panzer und die Mechanisierung des Krieges: Eine deutsche Geschichte 1890 bis 1945 (Zeitalter der Weltkriege) Citino, Robert M.: The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943 Corum, James S.: The Roots of Blitzkrieg. Hans von Seeckt and German Military Reform Markus Pöhlmann Frieser, Karl-Heinz: The Blitzkrieg Legend Estes, Kenneth W.: Marines Under Armor: The Marine Corps and the Armored Fighting Vehicle, 1916-2000 Thayer, Thomas C.; Daddis, Gregory A.: War Without Fronts – The American Experience in Vietnam » CREDITS & SPECIAL THX « Song: Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone
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