Flak Towers: Effective or not?
Military History Visualized
7m 55s
In World War 2 Germany constructed several “Flak Türme” or in English Flak Towers. There were located in 3 cities, namely, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna. Many of them actually survived up to this day, because they were usually too difficult to destroy. For instance, in Vienna all 6 are still standing and they were also the most modern ones. Military History Visualized provides a series of short narrative and visual presentations like documentaries based on academic literature or sometimes primary sources. Videos are intended as introduction to military history, but also contain a lot of details for history buffs. Since the aim is to keep the episodes short and comprehensive some details are often cut. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - http://stukabook.com » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - http://sturmzug.com » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com » Achtung Panzer? Zur Panzerwaffe der Wehrmacht - http://panzerkonferenz.de »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv » subscribe star - https://www.subscribestar.com/mhv » paypal donation - https://paypal.me/mhvis » YouTube Membership - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK09g6gYGMvU-0x1VCF1hgA/join »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - https://teespring.com/stores/military-history-visualized » SOURCES « Sakkers Widmann, Hans Elmar: Flaktürme - Wien - Hamburg - Berlin Zaloga, Steven: Defense of the Reich 1941-1945 (Fortress) Schabel, Ralf: Die Illusion der Wunderwaffen. Die Rolle der Düsenflugzeuge und Flugabwehrraketen in der Rüstungspolitik des Dritten Reiches Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg – Band 7: Das Deutsche Reich in der Defensive. Strategischer Luftkrieg in Europa, Krieg im Westen und in Ostasien 1943-1944/1945 Wille, Valentin E.: Die Flaktürme in Wien, Berlin und Hamburg: Geschichte, Bedeutung und Neunutzung » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
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