German AA Missiles - An Efficient Alternative to Flak?
Military History Visualized
Bismarck's Channel: Bismarck's Video here: During the Second World War Germany developed some basic Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM), which were called “Flakraketen” a quite weird name, because literally translated it would mean “AA gun rocket”. » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can support me via Paypal donations: (C) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Schabel, Ralf: Die Illusion der Wunderwaffen. Die Rolle der Düsenflugzeuge und Flugawehrraketen in der Rüstungsindustrie des Dritten Reichs (Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte) Germany and the Second World War – Volume 5/2 Germany and the Second World War – Volume 6 Germany and the Second World War – Volume 7 Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg Band 5/2 Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg Band 6 Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg Band 7 Payne, Craig: Principles of Naval Weapon Systems – Second Edition Hahn, Fritz: Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres 1933-1945 » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
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