German Flamethrower Tanks & Briefing October 2017 & Answers to Patreon Questions
Military History Visualized
7m 4s
The questions answered in this video are: "3: What religion were you raised in? (you said no politics, but you didn't mention religion) 4: What is the highest military rank Adolf Hitler attained? 5: At this moment, whom do you consider to be the greatest strategist or tactician of the Wehrmacht?" "Hey MHV, did the Germans actually deploy an effective flamethrower tank design? Everyone knows of the Allied Crocodile and Zippo, but what did the German’s come up with, and to any effect?" »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation - »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » - » facebook - » twitter - » twitch - » SOURCES « Kershaw, Ian: Hitler Senger und Etterlin, F.M. von: Die deutschen Panzer 1926-1945
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