[Imperial Roman Army] Armor & Shields
Military History Visualized
4m 31s
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv The Imperial Roman Army employed a wide range of different equipment. In this video, I talk about the helmets for infantry (callis / galae) and calvary. The various body armors like the segmented armor (lorica segmenta), mail armor (lorica hamata), scale armor (lorica squamata) and muscle breastplates. Furthermore I discuss the infantry shield (scutum) and cavalry shield. With some information on the heavy sandals (caligae) and belt (cingulum). Feel free to leave comments for feedback, questions and remarks. **Sources** Le Bohec, Yann: The Imperial Roman Army Webster, Graham: The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D Nemeth, Eduard; Fodorean, Florin: Römische Militärgeschichte Fields, Nic: The Roman Army of the Principate 27 BC – AD 117 Campbell, Duncan B.: Part II Arming Romans for Battle. In: The Oxford Handbook of Warfare in the Classical World Only known surviving scutum: http://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/5959 Various links: http://www.romancoins.info/MilitaryEquipment-Body-Armour.html http://legionsix.org/equipment/basic-gear/helmet/ http://www.mambri.com/legio/cascos.html http://www.redrampant.com/2009/07/ancient-roman-armor.html http://legionsix.org/equipment/basic-gear/body-armor/
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