IS-2: When 85mm is not enough
Military History Visualized
The Soviet heavy tank IS-2 is barely covered in English or German literature so we looked a bit into Russian sources as well, for this Jens Wehner from the Militärhistorische Museum (MHM) der Bundeswehr Dresden and Peter from Tank Archives helped out. Additionally, we also have some nice footage of the IS-2 Model 1944 from the MHM Dresden from 2019. Disclaimer: I was invited by Militärhistorische Museum der Bundeswehr Dresden in 2019. Tank Archives Channel: »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - » subscribe star - » paypal donation - » YouTube Membership - »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - » SOURCES « М. Барятинский [Baryatinskiy]. Тяжёлый танк ИС-2 [IS-2]. 1998. Heavy Tank. Manual. Publisher of the People's Commissariat of Defense, 1944. ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ ТАНК. РУКОВОДСТВО. Военное издательство Народного Комиссариата Обороны, 1944. Pöhlmann, Markus: Der Panzer und die Mechanisierung des Krieges: eine deutsche Geschichte 1890 bis 1945. Ferdinand Schöningh: Paderborn, Germany, 2016. Hill, Alexander: The Red Army and the Second World War. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2017. Zaloga, Steve; Ness, Leland S.: Companion to the Red Army, 1939-45. History: Stroud, 2009. Higgins, David R.: King Tiger vs IS-2: Operation Solstice 1945. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, UK, 2011. Zaloga, Steve: IS-2 Heavy Tank 1944-1973. Osprey: London, UK, 1994. Zaloga, Steven: KV-1 & 2 Heavy Tanks 1939-45. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, UK, 2014. Zaloga, Steve; Grandsen, James: Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two. Arms and Armour Press: London, UK, 1984. Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume III: “Red Storm”. The Mechanized Corps and Guards Armored Units 1942 to 1945. George F. Nafziger: no location, 1995. Samsonov, Peter: Moderniziation on Paper. Tank Archives, March, 2019. Accessed: 18th May 2021. Samsonov, Peter: D-10 in the IS-2. Tank Archives, November, 2018. Accessed: 18th May 2021. Samsonov, Peter: Object 240 Ergonomics . Tank Archives, June, 2018. Accessed: 18th May 2021. Samsonov, Peter: World of Tanks History Sections: Tank Guards Strike Force. Tank Archives, October, 2015. Accessed: 18th May 2021. Amizaur: IS-2 - front turret and gun mantlet armor – measured. War Thunder Forum: December, 2015. Accessed: 25th May 2021. Interview with Boris Petrovitsch Sacharov, 13th Guards Heavy Tank Heavy Regiment,, last accessed: 19th May 2021 #IS2,#StalinTank,#AnswerToTheTiger
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