A Successful Dead End? - Kugelblitz
Military History Visualized
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The Kugelblitz was a German Anti-Aircraft Tank (Flakpanzer) with an enclosed turret. Only a handful were finished, in this video we look at the capabilities, development, origin, production
and operational history of the Kugelblitz. Additionally, we also look at the aspect if it was a dead end, since I discovered production plans that suggest it would only produced for a short time period.
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by the Free-to-Play Game War Thunder.
» The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - http://sturmzug.com
» Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com
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Terlisten, Detlev; Duske, Heiner F.: Flakpanzer IV. Wirbelwind (Sd.Kfz.161/4), Ostwind and Kugelblitz. Nuts & Bolts Verlag GbR: Neumünster, Germany, 2010.
Hahn, Fritz: Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres: 1933 - 1945. Bd. 2: Panzer- und Sonderfahrzeuge, „Wunderwaffen“, Verbrauch und Verluste. Dörfler Verlag: Eggolsheim, Germany, 1995.
Jentz, Thomas L./Doyle, Hilary Louis: Panzer Tracts No.12-1: Flakpanzerwagen IV and other Flakpanzer projects development and production from 1942 to 1945. Panzer Tracts: Boyds, MD, USA, 2010.
Jentz, Thomas L./Doyle, Hilary Louis: Panzer Tracts No.12: Flak Selbstfahrlafetten and Flakpanzer. Darlington Productions: Darlington, Maryland, USA, 1998.
RH 2/948: Verschiedene Angelegenheiten der Gruppe III: Produktionsübersichten für Panzer- und Sturmgeschütze, Lastkraftwagen, Waffen, Gerät und Munition 1941-1945 (z.T. nur summarische Angaben), 1944-1945.
Spielberger, Walter J.; Doyle, Hilary L.; Jentz, Tom: Panzer IV und seine Abarten. Motorbuch Verlag: Stuttgart, Germany, 2019.
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