Panther: Wartime Reports & First-Hand Experience
Military History Visualized
Sponsored by World of Tanks! Register here ► to receive a T-127 Premium Tank, 500 Gold and 7 days Premium access with the code TANKTASTIC. Applicable to new users only. In this video we look at wartime reports that talked about the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, additionally we talk to Lt. Colonel Pierre Garnier de Labareyre and tank mechanic Richard Ledormeur of the French Tank Museum at Saumur. Colorization of the cover done by vonKickass. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » paypal donation - » patreon - » subscribe star - » Book Wishlist »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - » SOURCES « Töppel, Roman: Gesammelte Erfahrungsberichte zum Panther. Unveröffentlicht, 2019 Jentz, Thomas L.: Panzertruppen – The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany’s Tank Force – 1943-1945. Schiffer Military History: Atglen, USA, 1996. Dienstvorschrift D 655/27, Panther-Fibel, 1944. Pöhlmann, Markus: Der Panzer und die Mechanisierung des Krieges: Eine deutsche Geschichte 1890 bis 1945. Ferdinand Schöningh: Paderborn, 2016. Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018. Jentz, Thomas L.: Germany’s Panther Tank. The Quest for Combat Supremacy. Schiffer Military History: Atglen, PA, USA, 1995 Hunnicutt, R. P.: SHERMAN: A History of the American Medium Tank. Echo Points & Media, Vermont, USA, 2015 (1978) Spielberger, Walter J.; Doyle, Hilary L.: Panzer V Panther und seine Abarten. Motorbuch Verlag: Gerlingen, Germany, 2010 Tank Archives: Panther Trials, 2014. Zaloga, Steven: Armored Champion. The top Tanks of World War II. Stackpole Books: Mechanicsburg, US, 2015. Doyle, Hilary; Jentz, Tom: Panther Variants 1942-1945. Osprey: London, UK, 1997. Moran, Nicholas “Chieftain“: Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Panther. Part 1. World of Tanks North America, 2016 Moran, Nicholas “Chieftain“: Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Panther. Part 2. World of Tanks North America, 2016 Moran, Nicholas “Chieftain“: Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Panther. Part 3. World of Tanks North America, 2016 Tank Chats #16 Panther | The Tank Museum: DasPanzermuseum: Geschichte(n) aus Stahl: Liebling der Massen – der Panther (S02E04) » ATTRIBUTION « Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-244-2321-34 / Waidelich / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Foto: Waidelich, 1944 August - September, Ostfront-Süd, Panzer V (Panther).,_Ostfront-S%C3%BCd,_Panzer_V_(Panther).jpg #ad #sponsored #WorldOfTanks
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