Panzer III vs. T-34 (featuring Chieftain)
Military History Visualized
Comparing the Panzer III Ausf. H with the T-34 Model 1941 with respect to their qualities that are often not shown in the paper stats. As such we take a deeper more holistic look at Firepower, Ergonomics, Mobility, Armor and Communications. Based on Russian, German & US Sources. Link to Chieftain's Video: Video on Panzer Tactics: »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation - » Book Wishlist »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » twitter - » facebook - » twitch - » SOURCES « Kavalerchik, Boris: The Tanks of Operation Barbarossa. Soviet versus German Armour on the Eastern Front. Pen & Sword Military: Barnsley, UK, 2018 Zaloga, Steven: Armored Champion. The top Tanks of World War II. Stackpole Books: Mechanicsburg, US, 2015. Spielberger, Walter; Wiener, Friedrich: Die deutschen Panzerkampfwagen III und IV mit ihren Abarten 1935-1945. J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, München, 1968. English Version: Spielberger, Walter: Panzer III & Its Variants Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005 Hill, Alexander: The Red Army and the Second World War. Armies of the Second World War. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2017. Jentz, Thomas L.: Panzertruppen – The complete guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany’s Tank Force – 1933-1942. Schiffer Military History: Atglen, USA, 1996 Pöhlmann, Markus: Der Panzer und die Mechanisierung des Krieges: Eine deutsche Geschichte 1890 bis 1945. Ferdinand Schöningh: Paderborn, 2016. H. Dv. 470/6: Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Panzertruppe – Heft 6. Die leichte Panzerkompanie, September 1940 Jentz, Thomas L.; Doyle, Hilary Louis: Panzer tracts No.3-2 – Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. E, F, G, und H development and production from 1938 to 1941 Luther, Craig W.H.: Barbarossa Unleashed. The German Blitzkrieg through Central Russia to the Gates of Moscow. June-December 1941. Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, Pennsylvania: 2013. Tank Archives: F-34 vs German Tanks Tank Archives: Soviet Armour Quality Munzel, Oskar: Die deutschen gepanzerten Truppen bis 1945 Nehring, Walther K.: Die Geschichte der deutschen Panzerwaffe 1916-1945, Motorbuch Verlag: Stuttgart, 1974 Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg, Band 4: Der Angriff auf die Sowjetunion ENGLISH VERSION: Germany and the Second World War Volume 4. The Attack on the Soviet Union Senger und Etterlin, F.M. von: Die deutschen Panzer 1926-1945 Stahel, David: Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Defeat in the East. Cambridge University Press: UK, 2009 The Evolution of Headsets and Throat Mikes for Panzers (1935-1945) » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
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