Polish Infantry Division 1939 Organization & Structure #WIZUALIZACJA
Military History Visualized
2m 40s
Basic structure and organization of a Polish Infantry Division in 1939 visualized. This video shows the basic composition of an infantry division, how many men and officers. Furthermore, what type of weapons were used in general and in what numbers. Finally, a short overview on how the division was organized in sub units and the composition of an infantry company in terms of men and equipment. The sources on the composition of Polish Infantry Division in 1939 differ on certain values, also there were different setups. Furthermore, especially on the equipment there was a wide variation inside the Polish Army, after the Polish State at that point was quite young. Especially in terms of artillery and field guns the designations and types vary according to the different sources, hence some of the shown guns may not be accurate, nevertheless the numbers and caliber should be correct. See notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” (bottom) for more detailed information. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - http://sturmzug.com » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv » subscribe star - https://www.subscribestar.com/mhv » paypal donation - https://paypal.me/mhvis » YouTube Membership - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK09g6gYGMvU-0x1VCF1hgA/join »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - https://teespring.com/stores/military-history-visualized » SOURCES « Ellis, John: World War II - A Statistical Survey - The Essential Facts & Figures for All the Combatants, Edition: 1995 reprinted with corrections There is a newer version from 2002, which has a different name, but from the same author, you might consider that one: Ellis, John: The World War II Data Book http://niehorster.org/029_poland/organizations/div-inf.html http://www.cgsc.edu/CARL/nafziger/939PXPG.PDF http://derela.republika.pl/artillery.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_armaments_1939%E2%80%9345 http://polish-made.com/pl/p/Skoda-100mm-wz.1419-haubica-135/2496 http://www.stardestroyer.net/Armour/ShepStuff/Website/DrakaWB/Polish%20Small%20Arms%20OOB.htm ---** Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” **--- 1) Loads of different sources used, the total number of men seems one of the few things all agree upon. Everything else there were usually some light differences in number or wording. 2) The 81mm Mortar is not a graphic of the Mortar M 31 license built French mortar M 27/31 Brandt, but an US 81mm Mortar from World War 2. (No proper reference and the difference is negligible.) 3) Number of men and officers are rounded to 100 steps, 16492 = 16500 4) Number of equipment with more than 100 pieces are rounded to 10 steps, e.g., 132 to 130. 5) The Models of all weapons are based on various references, but often I discovered that those vary quite a bit. Especially for the Polish BAR there are loads of different versions out there, hence mine is probably wrong in some ways. 6) For Artillery and field guns the designations and types vary according to the different sources, hence some of the shown guns may not be accurate, nevertheless the numbers and caliber should be correct. 7) The Codename “Uruguay” has a background story, check it out here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wz._35_anti-tank_rifle#Secrecy_and_confusion #PolishInfantryDivision,#PolishArmy,#WW2
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