Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Tactics of WW2
Military History Visualized
Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Tactics of World War 2 based on a translated Soviet Manual from 1942. Soviet Anti-Tank rifles like the PTRD 41 and PTRS 41 created some trouble for the German Panzers, this is clearly reflected by the introduction of the so-called “Schürzen” Armor Skirts that protected the side hull and turret armor of most Panzers and Sturmgeschütze. This video covers anti-tank rifle positions, how to lead, weak points to aim for, cooperation with other arms and the general employment of anti-tank rifle units. Disclaimer I: I was invited by the Panzermuseum to Stahl auf der Heide 2019. Their English YouTube Channel: Disclaimer Mk II: I was invited by the Tank Museum at Bovington in 2017. Their YouTube Channel: Cover design by vonKickass. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon, see videos early (adfree) - » subscribe star - » paypal donation - »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - »» TIMESTAMPS «« 00:18 – Why Armor Skirts – 00:39 – PTRS-41 - 02:03 – PTRD-41 – 03:50 – German Artillery Tactics – 06:17 – Urban Combat Fighting Positions – 07:13 – German Sniper Training – 08:09 – How to Kill a Tiger – 09:50 – Guderian – 15:15 – Defensive Tactics at Kursk – 15:37 – PTRS-41 - 15:43 – PTRD-41 – 15:58 - 16:02 – Chieftain – 16:09 – German Tank Museum - 16:13 – Top 5 at Tank Museum Bovington - » SOURCES « Samsonov, Peter: Anti-Tank Rifle Manual. Tank Archives, January, 2016. Accessed: 23rd April 2020. Orenstein, Harold S.; Glantz, David M.: Soviet documents on the War Experience. Volume I: The Initial Period of War 1941. Routledge: London, UK, 2015 (1991) Kast, Bernhard; Bergs, Christoph: German Army Regulation on the Medium Tank Company H. Dv. 470. Austria & UK, 2019. McCollum, Ian: PTRD 41: The Simple Soviet Antitank Rifle of WWII. Forgotten Weapons: YouTube, wherever that is, May 2018. TsAMO: F 500, Op. 12451, D 407: Merkblatt 25/4: Anleitung für die Ausbildung und den Einsatz von Scharfschützen. Oberkommando des Heeres, Gen. St. d. H. / Gen. d . Inf.: 15. Mai 1943. Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018. Glantz, David M.: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July 1943. Combat Studies Institute. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1986. Spielberger, Walter; Doyle, Hilary Lous: Sturmgeschütze: Entwicklung und Fertigung der sPak. Motorbuch Verlag: 2014. Jentz, Thomas L.; Doyle, Hilary Louis: Panzer Tracts 3-3. Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.J, L, M, und N. Panzer Tracts: Boyds, MD, 2009. #AntiTankRifle #AntiTankRifleTactics #SovietTactics
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