Soviet Tank Division 41: 371 Tanks & 11 000 Men
Military History Visualized
3m 30s
In this video we look at a Soviet Tank Division from 1941. We look at the number of men in the different branches, the number of T-34, KV-1, KV-2, BT and other vehicles as well. »» Credits & Special Thanks «« Font Used for „authorized“: Red October Thanks to /u/Eddyill & /u/Zinegata @ /r/warcollege »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - » subscribe star - » paypal donation - » YouTube Membership - »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - » SOURCES « Charles C. Sharp: Soviet Order of Battle - Volume 1 Heavy Tank Battalion, Tank Regiment, Tank Division » Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” « 1) The Numbers of personnel are rounded in 100-steps. The exact numbers for the small groups are: 235 Technicians, 114 Administrators, 81 Medics & Doctors, 161 Political officers. 2) The Numbers are authorized numbers and according the sources make it clear that no Tank Division in June 1941 resembled exactly these numbers, some were close some were far away. 3) The armored cars were BA-10 and BA-20, but sadly I don’t have the exact knowledge how they were divided across the 4) The Layout for the Light Tank Battalion (which is also sometimes called Flame Tank Battalion) is probably not correct. 5) The T-26 tanks are depending on the source sometimes T-26 Radio Tanks. 6) BT-7 Tanks and BT-7 Radio Tanks are summed up and referred to only as BT-7 Tanks. 7) The Division layout doesn’t show all units, it focuses mainly on combat units. 8) The KV-2 doesn’t show up in the Niehorster Layout. Also the number of just one tank makes little sense in military terms, there is no other weapon system that shows up only once. #SovietTankDivision,#TankDivision,#RedArmy
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