Stosstrupptaktik - Stormtrooper Tactics
Military History Visualized
Link to the Great War's Kaiserschlacht Video: Link to the Top 5 Misconceptions about the Tactics: Patreon - German Stoßtrupptaktik often called "Stormtrooper Tactics" were developed during the First World War. Although their influence was rather limited in the Great War, there impact on German Squad Tactics of the Second World War and modern infantry tactics was significant. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation - » Book Wishlist »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » twitter - » facebook - » twitch - » - » SOURCES « Raths, Ralf: Vom Massensturm zur Stoßtrupptaktik. Die deutsche Landkriegtaktik im Spiegel von Dienstvorschriften und Publizistik 1906 bis 1918 Samuels, Martin: Doctrine and Dogma. German and British Infantry Tactics in the First World War Gudmundsson, Bruce I.: Stormtroop Tactics: Innovation in the Germany Army, 1914-1918 Bull, Stephen: Stosstrupptaktik. German Assault Troops of the First World War. The First Stormtroopers Citino, Robert M.: The German Way of War. From the Thirty Years’ War to the Third Reich Zabecki, David T.: Steel Wind – Colonel Georg Bruchmüller and the Birth of Modern Artillery Cambridge History of the First World War Stachelbeck, Christian: Deutschland Heer und Marine im Ersten Weltkrieg Manual for the Granatenwerfer 16: Forgotten Weapons: Granatenwerfer 16 Headquarters, Department of the Army: ATTP 3-06.11 (FM 3-06.11) – Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain (June 2011) Dupuy, Trevor N.: Firepower; in: Margiotta, Franklin (ed): Brassey’s Encyclopedia of Land Forces and Warfare, p. 378-385 Balck, Wilhelm: Development of Tactics – World War. Lupfer, Timothy T.: The Dynamics of Doctrine: The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine During the First World War Historical Section, General Staff: A Survey of German Tactics 1918. Tactical Studies, No. 1 Stackpole, Patrick T.: German Tactics in the “Michael” Offensive March 1918 (Thesis for Master of Military Art and Science, West Point) Zimmermann, Simon: Storm troopers and trench raiders: Innovation and perception of German and Canadian specialized assault units in the First World War (Thesis MA, University of Chester)
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