T-34 in German Service
Military History Visualized
The T-34 in German Service, it was called Panzerkampfwagen T 34-747 (r). This video covers the Beutepanzer T-34, German experience reports using the T-34, why so few T-34 were used by German troops, problems with maintenance and handling. DISCLAIMER D: I was invited by the Deutsche Panzermuseum in 2018, 2019 & 2020. https://www.youtube.com/c/DasPanzermuseum/featured DISCLAIMER A: I was invited by the Tank Museum at Bovington in 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2023. https://www.youtube.com/c/thetankmuseum DISCLAIMER G: I was invited by Militärhistorische Museum der Bundeswehr Dresden in 2019 & 2021. http://www.mhmbw.de/ Cover: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101III-Hoffmann-023-11 / Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons; Modified and colorized by vonKickass. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - http://stukabook.com » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - http://sturmzug.com » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com » Achtung Panzer? Zur Panzerwaffe der Wehrmacht - http://panzerkonferenz.de »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - see videos early (adfree) - https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv » subscribe star - https://www.subscribestar.com/mhv » paypal donation - https://paypal.me/mhvis » YouTube Membership - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK09g6gYGMvU-0x1VCF1hgA/join »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - https://teespring.com/stores/military-history-visualized »» SOURCES «« Vollert, Jochen: Panzerkampfwagen T 34-747 (r): the Soviet T-34 Tank as Beutepanzer and Panzerattrappe in German Wehrmacht Service 1941-45. Tankograd Publishing-Verlag Jochen Vollert: Erlangen, Germany, 2013. Jentz, Thomas L./Regenberg, Werner: Panzer Tracts No19-2: Beute-Panzerkampfwagen: British, American, Russian, and Italian tanks captured from 1940 to 1945. Panzer Tracts: Boyds, Maryland, USA, 2008 (Panzer tracts / created by Thomas L. Jentz and Hilary Louis Doyle, 19,2). BArch, RH 8/1661: Aktenverzeichnisse (Inhaltsverzeichnisse WaPrüf 6 St. VI und VIb). Zaloga, Steven: Armored Champion: the top Tanks of World War II. Stackpole Books: Mechanicsburg, PA, USA, 2015. Spielberger, Walter J.: Beute-Kfz und Panzer der Wehrmacht: Vollkettenfahrzeuge. Spezialausgabe, 1. Auflage, Motorbuch Verlag: Stuttgart, Germany, 2016 (Motorbuch Verlag spezial). https://www.tankarchives.ca/2015/07/common-questions-red-army-afvs-in.html?m=1 00:00 Intro 00:24 Germinology: Beutepanzer = Captured Tank? Trophy Tank? 01:04 Foreign Vehicle Classification 02:40 Before 1941 02:56 In 1941 03:53 Why few T-34s captured & employed by Germans in 1941? 05:44 Limited Numbers 06:12 Experience Report 08:03 Various Events / Initiatives 10:04 German T-34s everywhere and nowhere?! 10:57 Preliminary Conclusions #T34 #WW2 #germanarmy
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