US vs. German Hedgerow Tactics – Stuck in Normandy
Military History Visualized
This video is sponsored by Battlefront Miniatures and their table-top miniature game Flames of War. Check out their products here: German hedgerow tactics delayed the Allies advance after D-Day for several weeks. US troops had a hard-time fighting in the Bocage area that was well-known for its hedgerows. It took a while since US Forces overcame they various obstacles that the terrain provided and the well-prepared German defenses that exploited the terrain. This video covers the setup of a typical German position, US Infantry Division tactics and also US Armored Division in overcoming the German defenses. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » paypal donation - » patreon - » subscribe star - » Book Wishlist »» MERCHANDISE «« » teespring - » SOURCES « Doubler, Michael D.: Busting the Bocage: American Combined Arms Operations in France, 6 June-31 July 1944. Combat Studies Institute: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Harrison, Gordon A.: Cross-Channel Attack. United States army in World War II. Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington D.C., 1993 Blumenson, Martin: Breakout and Pursuit. United States army in World War II. Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington D.C., 1993 Combat Lessons: Number 4. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1944. Lieb, Peter: Unternehmen Overlord. Die Invasion in der Normandie und die Befreiung Westeuropas. C.H. Beck: München, 2014. Kruse, Kurt: Artilleristischer Ratgeber auf dem Gefechtsfeld. 8. neubearbeitete Auflage. Barbara-Verlag Hugo Weiler, München, 1942. Citino, Robert M.: The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943. University Press Kansas, USA, 2012. Cambridge History of the Second World War. Volume I: Fighting the War. Cambridge University Press: UK, 2015. Horst Boog, Gerhard Krebs, Detlef Vogel: Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Band 7. Das Deutsche Reich in der Defensive – Strategischer Luftkrieg in Europa, Krieg im Westen und in Ostasien 1943 bis 1944/45, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 2001. Germany and the Second World War. Volume 7. The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia 1943–1944/5. 2006. Fennell, Jonathan: Fighting the People’s War. The British and Commonwealth Armies and the Second World War. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2019 Messenger, Charles: The D-Day Atlas. Anatomy of the Normandy Campaign, Thames & Hudson: London, 2014 (2004). Penrose, Jane (ed.): The D-Day Companion. Leading Historians explore history’s greatest amphibious assault. Osprey Publishing: Oxford 2009 (2004). Mehner, Kurt (Hrsg.): Die geheimen Tagesberichte der Deutschen Wehrmachtführung im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945. Band 10: 1. März 1944 – 31. August 1944, Biblio Verlag: Osnabrück, 1985. Schramm, Percy E.: (Hrsg.): Kriegstagebuch des OKW 1944-1945. Teilband I. Eine Dokumentation. Bechtermünz: 2005. #ad #sponsored #HedgerowTactics
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