Military History Visualized

Military History Visualized

All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).

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Military History Visualized
  • Why Japan had NO Chance in WW2

    Although, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) started the war with a stronger force than the US Navy (USN) in the Pacific, it had virtually no Chance in winning the War in the long run. This becomes very apparent, if you watch the numbers evolving over the course of this video. I put together a chro...

  • D.M. Giangreco on the Invasion of Japan, Lend Lease & much more

    An interview with D.M. Giangreco on the Invasion of Japan, Lend Lease and many more topics. Also on iTunes etc. Timestamps: 00:21 - Background D.M. Giangreco 02:10 - Hell To Pay 2nd Edition 08:12 - People don't care about Logistics 11:34 - Euro-centric & Losses in Asia 14:38 - American Viewership...

  • Sabotage or Accidents? Fires in Russia - Map

    Recently there were several videos of fires and other incidents posted on Social Media that happened in the Russian Federation, most notably the burning of a Research Institute in Tver. Some state this was likely sabotage others state they were accidents. During my research there was at least one...

  • Why Panzerartillerie? Why Armored Artillery?

    Why self-propelled armored artillery for the Panzer Forces, why not just used motorized / towed artillery? What were the benefits? What were the reasons? Why not from the start of the war? For this we look at the Hummel, Wespe, Sturmgeschütz and also the Sturmpanzers as well. English Channel of t...

  • Air Power 1914-2019 - How to rule the Sky

    How to rule the sky! This video provides a fundamental understanding of Air Power and its 4 primary roles: control of the sky, intelligence & awareness, attack and mobility. Providing examples from the First and Second World War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Six Days War, Desert Storm, th...

  • Kriegsmarine's Wunderwaffen or Desperation Weapons?

    The Kriegsmarine in the late stages of the Second World War employed several midget submarines and explosive speed boats, these vehicles are often called “desperation weapons”. In this video we look at their background, missions, effectiveness and other issues. Additionally, we take a closer look...

  • One-Man Bunkers - Germany's Pulowski Preservation Shelter (Fallout)?

    A look at German one-man bunkers (Einmannbunker) or one-man preservation shelters from the Second World War. Many of you probably know them from the computer game series Fallout. Yet, these things were around for a lot longer. In this video, I will talk mostly about German WW2 variants. Look at f...

  • Ship Classes WW2 - 101

    Covering all major warship classes of the Second World War mainly looking at their intended pre-war role and what missions they actually performed. Looking mostly at the US Navy, Royal Navy, Imperial Japanese Navy and Kriegsmarine. Classes covered Battleships, Carriers, Battle Cruisers, Heavy Cru...

  • Panzer III vs. T-34 (featuring Chieftain)

    Comparing the Panzer III Ausf. H with the T-34 Model 1941 with respect to their qualities that are often not shown in the paper stats. As such we take a deeper more holistic look at Firepower, Ergonomics, Mobility, Armor and Communications. Based on Russian, German & US Sources. Link to Chieftain...

  • Tank Ramming in WW2 - Ramming Speed

    Tank vs. Tank ramming is portrayed in movies and computer games. Yet, if one looks at German and US WW2 regulations it seems be highly discouraged at least at first. The number of incidents seems also rather limited. In this video we look at regulations, veteran interviews, memoirs, photos and ot...

  • Vietnam Artillery Firebase Tactics

    The Vietnam War was quite different in many ways, especially when it came to artillery combat and tactics. Since in a regular war, your artillery sits usually a considerable distance behind the frontlines. Yet, Vietnam was a war without fronts. One of the key innovations in terms of artillery com...

  • Invading the Soviet Union 1941 - Just Stupid? - Barbarossa without Hindsight

    The German Invasion of the Soviet Union 1941 is often called "just stupid" by various people, although the operation clearly failed, the statement woefully ignores the knowledge of the time, since even the Allies assumed a German victory, which is not so "stupid" considering both the Soviet & Ger...

  • How the Japanese Carriers were so effective

    Sponsored by World of Warships! Register here ► to receive 250 doubloons, 1,000,000 Credits, the USS Langley Aircraft Carrier premium ship, one port slot and 3 days premium time when you use code PLAYLANGLEY2019. Applicable to new users only. This video details how the Japan...

  • German Artillery Tactics & Combat in WW2

    German Artillery Tactics in World War 2 are a rather obscure subject, very little is written about it. As such I used mostly primary sources for this video. It covers the basic role of the artillery, the different roles of light and heavy howitzers, the different use of fuzes for different target...

  • How to use a Sturmtiger

    Based on Documents from February 1945 „Guidelines for the Employment of the Assault Mortar Battery 38 cm RW 61” (“Richtlinien für den Einsatz der Sturmmörser-Batterie 38 cm RW 61“) we look in this video on how a Sturmtiger Battery was used and also some aspects of the vehicle that are usually not...

  • Wolfpack Tactics: How U-boats decimated Allied Convoys

    German Wolfpack and U-boat Tactics during the Second World War posed a serious threat to Allied shipping in the Battle of the Atlantic. This video explores the concept of wolfpack tactics and also how individual submarines of the Kriegsmarine attacked merchant shipping. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreo...

  • Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Tactics of WW2

    Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Tactics of World War 2 based on a translated Soviet Manual from 1942. Soviet Anti-Tank rifles like the PTRD 41 and PTRS 41 created some trouble for the German Panzers, this is clearly reflected by the introduction of the so-called “Schürzen” Armor Skirts that protected the ...

  • Why were the Mongols so effective?

    „The Mongol Empire of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was the largest continuous land empire that has so far existed. At its greatest extent it stretched from Korea to Hungary, including, except for India and the south-east of the continent, most of Asia, as well as a good deal of eastern...

  • Panzer II: Workhorse of "Blitzkrieg"

    Join me in War Thunder for free by using this link and get a premium tank or aircraft and three days of premium time as a bonus. The Panzer II is quite surprising although only equipped with a 2 cm auto-cannon it was intended to give the Panzerwaffe a ...

  • Kamikaze Tactics - Insane or Rational?

    "Kamikaze" attacks are often portrayed as useless insane measures by the Japanese to turn the tide of the war in the Pacific in World War 2, yet the question is were the attack of the Special Attack Corps just insane simple ramming attacks or was it a rational choice based on experience in combin...

  • World War Management 101

    Ever wondered what you need to consider in a total war? Well, here is a small idea on just some problems that concern strategic resources, manpower, key fuels, food and industry. Based on both the First and Second World War. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal ...

  • Soviet Defensive Tactics - Kursk 43

    How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational changes? Where there special precautions taken due to the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger? »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Compa...

  • Are Molotov Cocktails effective vs Modern Tanks?

    How effective are Molotov Cocktail against modern - so post World War 2 - tanks? I wondered about this and Chris (Military Aviation History) noted this would be a good topic. So, I started to dig and found a lot of superficial articles etc. my vehicle books were also far too general to answer thi...

  • Why was Napoleon so Successful?

    Napoleon is considered by many one of the best – if not the best – military commanders of all time. Even Clausewitz, who wasn’t particularly fond of Napoleon, called him “the God of War”? What were the reasons for Napoleon’s success? Or was he just the most famous French general? Let’s look at hi...