Military History Visualized

Military History Visualized

All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).

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Military History Visualized
  • Napoleonic Infantry Tactics

    A look at Napoleonic Infantry Tactics and Combat. Covering Line Infantry, Light Infantry, Volley Fire, Skirmishing, Charge, Formations, etc. Napoleon in the thumbnail by vonKickass. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » paypal donation - » patreon - » subscr...

  • Midway: Why did the Japanese Lose?

    » patreon - The Battle of Midway (1942) has been by some described as a turning point in the Pacific War. The question is: Why did the Japanese Lose? Or maybe: Why did the Americans win? During my research I came across several different perspectives namely those ...

  • Napoleonic Cavalry Combat & Tactics

    This video gives insights in cavalry combat and tactics during the era of Napoleon. This includes Cavalry Types, Forms of Combat, Formations, Organization, Principles and many more. Napoleon in the cover by vonKickass. Link to History Gaming Verified:

  • Hummel vs Priest? Why it is wrong!

    In my M7 Priest vs Wespe video many people pointed out that a comparison between the Hummel and the M7 Priest would make way more sense, since both were put a medium tank chassis. Well, I disagree for various reasons, nevertheless I should have explained my reasons for the selection in the origin...

  • Panther: The most Controversial Panzer

    Time to take a look at probably the most controversial Panzer of World War 2: the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther. When it comes to the Panther, you usually get very emotionally charged opinions. Even among experts like David Willey, Nicholas Moran, Ralf Raths, Dr. Roman Töppel and Dr. Pöhlmann. There...

  • Japanese Tank Arm (1921-1939)

    The Japanese Tank Arm (戦車兵科) is often disregarded due to its comparatively "weak" tanks during World War 2. Yet, the Japanese were actually among the leading nations before World War 2 when it came to tank development although they only started in the 1920ies to produce their tanks. In this video...

  • Stalingrad: Chances for a Breakout?

    Of all the debates about the Battle of Stalingrad, perhaps none causes more controversy than the question of whether or not the Sixth Army would have been able to break-out of the Soviet encirclement. Some people argue that the break-out had good chances. Yet, this is highly debatable. Historical...

  • Flak 88: One-Shot Kill? How Effective was it really?

    The Flak 88mm is often portrayed as a Wunderwaffe that could one shot kill most or even any tank in World War 2. The question is, does the claim of the one-shot kill hold up to data we have available or not? For this we look at data from Flak units, but for context also US Tank Destroyer Units, G...

  • Ukraine War and its Global Impact

    In this we look at the global impact of the Ukraine War, this covers a lot of ground: international relations, changes in trade routes, sanctions, support for Ukraine and other topics. Additionally, we also look at the Russian perception of the war based on a booklet for Russian soldiers and Puti...

  • T-62M vs. T-72: Really as bad?

    A look at the T-62, T-62M and T-62MV, its history, but also how it compares to the more modern T-72, specifically the T-72B3. It is outclassed in many regards, yet the question needs to be asked how much of that does actually matter in most combat situations currently in Ukraine. Additionally, we...

  • Just won by Numbers? 2nd Battle of El Alamein

    Was the Second Battle of El Alamein just won by numbers? Or was it a masterpiece by Montgomery against Rommel's Afrika Korps? For this we take a look at the supply situation and the balance of force. “What was the state of the Rommel’s troops at the [2nd] Battle of El Alamein? As far as I know, t...

  • Why the Japanese Military wanted to fight on after(!) the 2nd Nuke (feat. D.M. Giangreco)

    Some people suggest that the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were completely unnecessary, this is quite an "interesting" view considering that the Japanese military actually wanted to continue to fight after the second Atomic bomb was dropped. In this video, we take a closer at this issue....

  • Flak 88: Accidental Tank Killer?

    The 8.8 cm Flak (Flak 18, 36, 37 and 41) is famous or infamous for being a tank killer in World War 2. Yet, this weapon was by its designation an anti-aircraft gun. This raises the question: Why was there a armor-piercing ammo available for this gun during the Battle of France (1940)? Was it desi...

  • German Armored Infantry WW2 Commandments

    The 30 Commandments of the Panzergrenadier Company Commander published in July 1943 by the Generalinspekteur der Panzerwaffe. These commandments cover a wide range of topics like tactics, combat, marching, camouflage, reconnaissance, communications and many more aspects. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » Paypa...

  • Russia sent T-62s to Ukraine - Fake News or correct?

    Recently there have been reports and footage that indicate that the Russian Armed Forces sent T-62 tanks, a tank that entered service 1962 so about 60 years ago, to Ukraine. As always, I am a bit hesitant, since photos and videos showing a few tanks being transported on a train don’t mean much, s...

  • British Armour Doctrine & Tactics World War 2 with David Willey

    David Willey the Curator of the Tank Museum at Bovington explains British Interwar and World War 2 Armour Doctrine and Tactics. Especially, about the Infantry and Cruiser tank "concept". Additionally, we talk a bit about the 2nd Battle of El Alamein, Montgomery and Rommel. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » T...

  • Common Misconceptions - Technology & War

    When it comes to technology and warfare there are a lot of misconceptions out there. This video covers various examples ranging from the Middle Ages, the Franco-Prussian War, the Austro-Prussian War, the World Wars and the Cold War. Covering aspects like industry, doctrine, logistics and organiza...

  • Why the German Army failed in the West 43-44

    The German Army had serious problems with conducting counter-attacks against the Western Allied Forces in 1943-44 this was different to the Situation on Eastern Front against the Red Army. As such the question is, why was this the case and this is not about logistics. Disclaimer: I received a pre...

  • "Blitzkrieg": Stuka & Panzer - DEBUNKED

    Join me in War Thunder for free using this link and get a premium tank or aircraft and three days of premium time as a bonus. The popular view is that the Wehrmacht used a combination of Panzers and Stukas to roll over Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belg...

  • Soviet Squad Tactics in World War 2

    Soviet Squad Tactics in World War 2, this video covers Squad Tactics according to the official regulation “Combat Instructions for the Infantry of the Red Army, Part I: Soldier, Squad, Platoon and Company” from November 1942, translated by Charles Sharp. It covers the basic principles for the sol...

  • Nebelwerfer Tactics

    Nebelwerfer Tactics of the German Army in World War 2. Note that "Nebelwerfer" literally means "Fog Thrower", a better translation would be rocket launcher. This video covers smoke tactics, high explosive tactics, tactics versus tanks and also tactics versus artillery. Additionally, we also look ...

  • Chieftain about Tanks from Poland to Iraq

    A talk with Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran the military historian for Wargaming America / World of tanks and me. (Note: this was a private meeting). We talk about Shermans, Panzer IIIs, Panzer IVs, US Tank Crew Losses in World War 2, Guderian, Doyle, Liddell Hart, dust signature, tank bites, logistic...

  • IS-2: When 85mm is not enough

    The Soviet heavy tank IS-2 is barely covered in English or German literature so we looked a bit into Russian sources as well, for this Jens Wehner from the Militärhistorische Museum (MHM) der Bundeswehr Dresden and Peter from Tank Archives helped out. Additionally, we also have some nice footage ...

  • German Perspective: Urban Combat Battle of Budapest (1944-45)

    In this video we look at a German experience report on the Battle of Budapest (1944-1945) about urban combat. It covers preparation, defensive lines, counterattack, logistics, wounded, civilians, Soviet tactics, houses, weapons, air supply and various other points. » Stukabook - Doctrine of the G...