Military History Visualized
All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).
Why Russian Defenses collapse
Why do Russian defense collapse on the front lines in Ukraine? In this video we look at various factors that plague the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. Cover: Original cover from Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,
Why didn't the Bismarck shoot down any Swordfish?
The Bismarck was struck critically by an attack of 15 Swordfish bi-plane bombers, yet wasn't able to shoot a single one down. How was this possible, considering that the Bismarck was the most advanced Battleship of the Kriegsmarine and the Fairey Swordfish a rather archaic and fragile look plane?...
Why does Russian Explosive Reactive Armor not explode?
There are many photos of burnt out Russian tanks out there that have - at least visually - explosive reactive armor bricks / elements that seem to be intact. The question why is this the case? Some people point out that the explosive elements were missing, but upon minor investigation this likely...
Better than Artillery?! Nebelwerfer (Rocket Artillery)
A look at the differences of rocket artillery - specifically the Nebelwerfer - and regular artillery in the Second World War. For this we look mostly at German primary sources (war-time documents) from the Second World War. Most of these aspects should also apply to Soviet Katyusha launchers etc....
Should Hitler have waited?
Quite regularly I get comments along the lines that the Wehrmacht wasn’t ready for war in 1939 and that Hitler’s mistake was that he didn’t continue the build-up for a few more years, so that the Wehrmacht and German industry would be ready for war. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - https://www.patre...
Why 879 Men for 45 Tigers?
Sponsored by World of Tanks! Register here ► to receive a Tier V Premium Tank Matilda Black Prince, 7 days Premium Access, 1 Garage Slot, a 100 % Trained Crew, 2 Rental Tanks for 10 Battles each, namely the famous Tiger 131 and the Sherman Firefly with the code FIREAWAY. ...
Why not blockade Japan into Surrender? (feat. D.M. Giangreco)
Quite regularly people ask on my Pacific war videos, why the US didn't blockade the Japanese islands. Since it was rather apparent that the invasion plans Olympic and Downfall would be very costly in terms of casualities and the Japanese Navy and Air Forces were basically non-operational for the ...
650 Tanks per Day - Soviet Tank Losses in WW2
Soviet Tank Losses in World War 2 were very high with more than 96 000 armored fighting vehicles (tanks and self-propelled guns) lost from 1941-1945. At one point in 1941 the losses reached the staggering amount of 650 tanks per day, which was several tanks divisions. Thanks to Dr. Jens Wehner fo...
It Worked? The Treaty of Versailles won WW2!?
Quite many people point out that the Versailles Treaty was a complete failure and that it was utterly useless. In terms of preventing the Second World War this might be true, yet we also need to look at the various consequences the Versailles Treaty had on Germany and how that affected how it had...
Late-War German Defensive Tactics at Courland
German tactical setup of an Infantry Regiment for the 2nd Battle at the Courland Pocket, which took place in November 1944 with references to the experience report about the battle. This includes the German defense setup, weapon placements, German tactical symbols (early vs. late-war) and various...
Top 7 Red Army Myths - World War 2
Top Myths about the Red Army in World War 2. Namely, unlimited manpower, blocking detachments, human wave tactics, preemptive war thesis, general winter and lend-lease. Cover: vonKickass Thank you to Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr Flugplatz Berlin Gatow: »» SUPP...
The German Halftrack - Sd. Kfz. 251
The famous Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251 – Special purpose vehicle 251 was the most produced German armored half-track in World War 2. This vehicle was mainly used within Panzer and Panzergrenadier Divisions, although only a limited number of these were available. This video looks at the origins, role,...
Wehrmacht War Crimes - An Overview
Wehrmacht (Army, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine) War Crimes in the Second World War. Note due to the sensitivity of this topic, this videos contains a lot of quotes from experts. The video provides a list of war crimes committed and specifically covers three that are in terms of impact the most impor...
Did the Soviets win WW2 due to US Support? The Impact of Lend-Lease
The impact of Western Aid (Lend-Lease) on the Soviet Union's war effort is a highly debated topic. Both Western and Russian historians disagree, yet, sometimes Western historians diminish the impact, whereas Russian one's highlight the importance. The problem is that many aspects must be consider...
MP 40 - Role & "Tactics"
A look at the role of MP 40 (and its very similar “predecessor” the MP 38) in terms of role and tactics within the German Army in the Second World War. For this we look at German Army regulations, reports, tables of organization and equipment and also the weapons themselves. We look at the relati...
Russia's BMPT: A Tank for Urban Warfare - The Future of Tank Combat?
This video discusses the BMPT Terminator I and the BMPT-72 Terminator II. We look at the origins and influences from the Soviet-Afghan War, the Battle of Grozny / Chechen Wars and others. We look at various photos of both vehicles and the differences between the BMPT and BMPT-72. Additionally, we...
What "killed" the most tanks in World War 2?
This video discusses what killed the most tanks in World War 2. Was it anti-tank guns, mines, planes, hand-held anti-tank weapons, mechanical breakdowns, etc. Also a short look at the problems of the term "kill", e.g., mobility, firepower and catastrophic/complete kill. Original Question by Chris...
Where are Russia's T-80s?
Where are the Russian T-80s? People talk about the restoration of T-62s, but why not restore the 3000 T-80s that in Russian storage? Cover Image: T-80UD early version, Technical Museum in Tolyatti, by Vitaly V. Kuzmin Cov...
Panzerhaubitze 2000 for Ukraine - German Firepower
The Netherlands sends German Panzerhaubitzen 2000 to Ukraine. This video covers the available information on the transfer, the number of Panzerhaubitzen in operation, why Germany does not send Panzerhaubitzen, an assessment of the Panzerhaubitze 2000, estimated training times, strength and weakne...
Best German WW2 General? Definitive Answer.
I regularly get asked who I consider the best German General of World War 2 or similar question, well, it is time to settle this question once and for all. But be aware you might not like the answer, but it is time for some serious reality-check, after all education is one of the key aspects of m...
Why Ceramic Armor? Hard but brittle!
Ceramics at first glance don't seem be a particularly good material for armor, especially not for tank armor, considering how brittle they can be. Of course, there is difference between our "household" ceramics and technical ceramics, still various properties like brittleness remain. In this vide...
Bismarck: Why its mission made sense!
Sponsored by World of Warships: Legends! Click here ► to check out the game on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5 or Xbox One X, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. Most of you know about the German battleship Bismarck, its initial battle with HMS Hood and Prince of Wales, its evasio...
Why didn't the Germans copy the T-34?
Why not just copy the T-34 like German front-line officers suggested in 1941? This question shows up quite often. In this video we look at the various reasons on why the T-34 was not copied by the Germans and produced by them. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/Eng...
German Army: Why No Collapse
The Wehrmacht during the Second World War sustained two times the deaths of the Imperial German Army in the First World War, yet it did not collapse, quite on the contrary it fought until the bitter end. Why was this the case? Why did the Wehrmacht and particularly the German Army did not collaps...