Military History Visualized

Military History Visualized

All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).

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Military History Visualized
  • Why not just go from the 109 to the 262?

    In this video Military Aviation History and Military History Visualized talk about the problems going from the a piston-engine aircraft to a jet-powered aircraft, exemplified by the Me 109 and Me 262. Big thank you to Felix Wander for many of the information that went into this video and for the ...

  • Napoleonic Artillery Tactics

    A look at Artillery Tactics during the Napoleonic Wars. This video covers gun types, ammo types like round shot, canister and shrapnel, effective range, organization, horse / foot artillery, tactics, employment like positioning and counter-battery fire. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » Early Access & more wit...

  • On D-Day what did the Germans know?

    When it comes to D-Day and the German Perspective there are a few bits out there, but the sources are sometimes lacking. So, for this, we will be looking at some proper sources namely, the situation report of Operations Staff of the Wehrmacht and the war diary of the 7th German Army. Cover design...

  • Names of the Fallen: Afghanistan Memorial 2001-2021

    In Remembrance of the Fallen from the Multinational Military Missions to Afghanistan 2001-2021. Every second a new name is displayed in chronological order, providing name, rank, age, branch, country and state if available. Please note, this includes also people that did not die from hostile fire...

  • What makes a Sniper?

    Disclaimer: I received the book – Snipers at War by John Walter - as a complimentary copy from Naval Institute Press. Note that I used plenty of Naval Institute Press books in previous videos that I bought myself. So what makes a sniper? This video explains certain characteristics, skills, attrib...

  • German Defensive Tactics - Eastern Front

    Time to take a look at how the Wehrmacht setup defensive positions, at first, we take a look at the a position of a company in defense from a manual published in 1940. In the second part, we take a look at an example from January 1942, when the Germans were defending themselves with heavily deple...

  • Ferdinand: The Bastard Tiger

    Join me in War Thunder for FREE on PC, PS®5 and Xbox Series X|S by using this link and get a premium tank or aircraft and three days of premium time as a bonus. The Ferdinand (later renamed into Elefant) heavy tank destroyer (originally a Sturmgeschütz / Assault Gun...

  • Initiative & Strength: Sun Tzu's Art of War - Chapter 6

    Get Your Free Trial of The Great Courses Plus here: The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US, UK & Australian markets. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize t...

  • The Iron Cross & The Knight's Cross

    The Iron Cross is probably one of the best known military symbols and medals in the World. It was first established in 1813 during the Napoleonic Wars, it was re-established in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War. In 1914 and 1939 it was re-established again for the World Wars. The 1939 included ...

  • Soviet Perspective: Invasion of Poland 1939

    In this video we look at the Soviet Perspective of the Soviet Invasion of Poland what they considered/portrayed as a liberation. For this we look at official German translation of the official History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (6 Volumes). Cover by vonKickass (colorization, m...

  • Tanks are obsolete, apparently since 1919

    Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022) a lot of statements about the "end of the tank" came up. Most of these statements are old, very old and they show up every few decades, particularly if a new technology is invented and/or some factions suffers - for whatever reason - a certain amount o...

  • Vietnamese Ambush Tactics: When the jungle speaks Vietnamese

    A look at Vietnamese Ambush Jungle Tactics according to a US platoon leader guide from 1967 that was based on US experiences and perception of the Vietnamese forces. Note by Vietnamese forces in I mean the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) generally called "North Vietnamese Army" (NVA) at the time ...

  • Soviet Reaction to the Tiger & Panther Tanks

    Be sure to get Peter's book here: In this video we look at what the Soviet Head Armour and Tank Directorate ordered to combat the Tiger tank. Additionally, we also look at some of the changes they introduced in order to combat the Panther tank as well. Disclaimer: I was invite...

  • Guderian: Father of "Blitzkrieg"? - Myth & Reality

    Heinz Guderian the father of the German Panzerwaffe is one of the best known German generals from the Second World War. He is also known for his opposition to the Battle of Kursk (Operation Zitadelle) and the early deployment of the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, yet some historians noted recently t...

  • Why Ghost Division? What did Rommel do?

    Why was Rommel’s 7. Panzerdivision called Gespensterdivsion – “Ghost Division”? From all we know it earned this name during the Battle of France. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » paypal donation - » patreon - » subscribe star - https://www.subscribestar...

  • The most underrated Panzer? - Panzer I

    What was the most underrated German Panzer during the Second World War? It was clearly not the Königstiger, which was likely the most overrated nor the Panzer IV, which is considered the workhorse of the German Armored Forces. The Tiger and the Panther are also quite well represented all over the...

  • German Thoughts on the Churchill Tank

    What did the Germans think about the Churchill tank, specifically the Mark I, II and III? This video is based on a German report of the Churchill Mark I, II and III captured at the Dieppe Raid (1942) as well as some other German reports about the Dieppe Raid. Additionally, we look at errors in th...

  • Stosstrupptaktik - Stormtrooper Tactics

    Link to the Great War's Kaiserschlacht Video: Link to the Top 5 Misconceptions about the Tactics: Patreon - German Stoßtrupptaktik often called "Stormtrooper Tactics" were deve...

  • How to fight Tigers - Tactics & Weaknesses

    How did the Soviets and Western Allies deal with Panzer VI Tiger? There were different approaches like tactics, but also exploiting weaknesses or limiting the combat effectiveness of the Tiger. This video explains various methods used, their effectiveness and in many cases refers directly primary...

  • How effective was the Tiger really?

    There are quite many debates about the Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausführung E & B - the Tiger & Königstiger - tanks, so in this video we look at how effective or ineffective these panzers were in combat. This means we look at doctrine, kill to loss ratios, mission accomplishment and various other issue...

  • I was wrong: Errors in How to Kill a Tiger - Tactics & Weaknesses

    In my recent video, on how to kill a Tiger (Tactics & Weaknesses), I made a wrong statement about the SU-152. This was due to the fact that I used a generally considered valid source, which was sadly wrong. Here is a correction of the various errors and also some further information. Check out Pe...

  • Waffen-SS: Elite or Mass-Army?

    Waffen-SS divisions are often portrayed as an elite formations, yet, this view misses that the Waffen-SS had a large amount of divisions with very different combat records. This video takes a closer look at the Waffen-SS based on academic sources and will also explain why many statements of the W...

  • Why determining the Impact of Lend-Lease is so complicated

    Determining the impact of the Western Aid that was provided to the Soviet Union in the Second World War is quite controversial. This aid was provided under the Lend-Lease act, as such it is usually just called Lend-Lease. The majority of the support was provided by the United States, yet other co...

  • Sturmgeschütz School - Choose the StuG Life

    I got my hands-on information for you. Namely from the “Sturmgeschütz School Teaching Staff” (Sturmgeschütz Schule Lehrstab), which in October 1943 published a leaflet (“Merkblatt”) for the crews of the Sturmgeschütze. I looked at it and selected some crucial and interesting aspects for you. StuG...