Military History Visualized

Military History Visualized

All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).

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Military History Visualized
  • Russia’s Military Power (2017)

    A look at Russian Military Power in 2017 according to the Defense Intelligence Agency and other sources. This also includes a short historical overview from 1991 to 2017. NOTE: Non-conventional weapons were excluded due to YouTube’s tendency to remove ads on such videos. See my Video on the US co...

  • Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox

    This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English...

  • [Weapons 101] How does a Mortar work?

    Modern mortars evolved from the so-called "Stokes Mortar", but the basic principles still apply. This video gives you a short overview on mortars. A modern mortar is a weapon that provides short-range indirect fire at high angles, usually between 45 and 80 degree. Unlike traditional (old) mortars...

  • How Wars are Won & Lost - A Simple Model

    »» GET BOOKS & VIDEOS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - » Tank Assault - Combat Manual of the...

  • Wehrmacht = German Army? YES or NÖ? #Misconceptions

    A common misconception about World War 2 is that the Wehrmacht equals the German Army, but this is actually... » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can support me via Paypal donations: https://www.p...

  • The V-2 Rocket (A 4) - How Effective was it?

    The V-2 official designation A 4 is often called a "Wunderwaffe" although it was a major breakthrough in rocket technology, its suitability for a weapon in World War 2 is limited. This video takes a look at its development, technical specifications, history and especially on its effectiveness not...

  • Economic Warfare? PewDiePie vs. WSJ #YouTube

    This video asks the question if the article from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) was a deliberate attack to inflict economic damages on PewDiePie, but more importantly to discredit YouTube as an advertising and also news platform. Many indicators appeared in the last few weeks that support this cla...

  • Prussian Infantry under Frederick the Great

    Prussian Infantry during the time of Frederick the Great of Prussia. Basic background on infantry types like Grenadiers, Fusiliers, etc., organization and combat formations. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation -

  • What is Maskirovka? Russian Military Deception

    A short introduction into Russian Military Deception - called Maskirovka. “Maskirovka is most simply defined as a set of processes designed to mislead, confuse, and interfere with accurate data collection regarding all areas of Soviet plans, objectives, and strengths or weaknesses.” (Smith, Charl...

  • Comparison German Infantry, Motorized & Panzer Divisions 1939 - Visualization

    »» GET BOOKS & VIDEOS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - » Tank Assault - Combat Manual of the...

  • Why the Allies considered Bombing the Soviet Union 1940

    In 1939/1940 the French and British considered bombing the Soviet Union. Something that sounds quite "crazy" from our perspective nowadays, so why did they consider it? Military History Visualized provides a series of short narrative and visual presentations like documentaries based on academic l...

  • [Imperial Roman Army] Armor & Shields

    Patreon: The Imperial Roman Army employed a wide range of different equipment. In this video, I talk about the helmets for infantry (callis / galae) and calvary. The various body armors like the segmented armor (lorica segmenta), mail armor (lorica hamata), scale ...

  • Battle: Taranto Raid - Italian Pearl Harbor

    The British Raid on the Italian Harbor of Taranto in 1940 had a crucial influence on the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor. Similarly, it managed to damage several battleships, yet with a far lower strike force. Additionally, the attack was launched during the night. Military History Visualized pro...

  • Did Hitler Delay the Me 262?

    »» GET BOOKS & VIDEOS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - » Tank Assault - Combat Manual of the...

  • Barbarossa: Why such high Soviet Losses? - Explained

    The Red Army suffered heavy losses during Operation Barbarossa, but it also inflicted heavy losses on the Wehrmacht. This means it was not just some helpless giant, but it also begs the questions, why were the losses so high? This video discusses several factors and refers heavily to current acad...

  • [Imperial Roman Army] Training

    Patreon: Training in the Imperial Roman Army was crucial and the importance of training was very obvious even in time of the Roman Republic as the quote from Cicero indicates: “Put an equally brave, but untrained soldier in the front line, and he will look like a ...

  • Pilot Training & Selection - First World War

    A short look at Pilot Selection & Training in the First World War (WW1). This video takes a look at the early stages of military aviation recruitment and how training was conducted. Military History Visualized provides a series of short narrative and visual presentations like documentaries based ...

  • Hearts of Iron IV & Hitler’s Face: Commentary on German Computer Game Ratings, Policy & History

    Patreon: I have enough of various Germans defending their mindless and unjust laws again and again, no matter if they do it directly or indirectly. The explanations usually completely ignore everything from common sense, to justice and history, because assume that...

  • Bv 222 - Flying Boat - Blohm und Voss

    The Blohm & Voss Bv222 was the largest operational flying boat of the German Air Force in World War 2. It served from North Africa to the Artic. Only a few of these behemoths were built. Check the video for some size and performance comparison to other planes. »» GET OUR BOOKS «« » Stukabook - Do...

  • American Expeditionary Forces: Frontlines, States & Numbers - WW1

    The US WW1 Centennial Commission provided non-monetary support by providing me with sources and research to produce this video. Be sure to check out there pages here: Homepage: facebook: twitter: A...

  • Why no German campaign for WW2 Shooters?

    Why major studios probably won't make a First-Person Shoot with a German single player campaign in the near future. Looking at some crucial factors. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation -

  • Soviet Tank Division 41: 371 Tanks & 11 000 Men

    In this video we look at a Soviet Tank Division from 1941. We look at the number of men in the different branches, the number of T-34, KV-1, KV-2, BT and other vehicles as well. »» Credits & Special Thanks «« Font Used for „authorized“: Red October Th...

  • Stalingrad & Romania - Germany's blamed Ally

    Patreon: The Romanians often get blamed for the disaster at Stalingrad, but taking a closer look reveals that there is reason to blame. Although the common German soldier couldn’t know better, there is no reason to not address to wrong myth. For a script check out...

  • [Barbarossa] Would an Earlier Date made a Difference?

    Patreon: There are many comments and remarks that state that if the Operation Barbarossa would have started about a month earlier, it would have been successful or at least that Moscow could have been taken. In this video I will take a look at the basic claim and ...