Military History Visualized
All videos from Military History Visualized (Bernhard Kast).
US vs. German Hedgerow Tactics – Stuck in Normandy
This video is sponsored by Battlefront Miniatures and their table-top miniature game Flames of War. Check out their products here: German hedgerow tactics delayed the Allies advance after D-Day for several weeks. US troops had a hard-time fighting in the Bocage area tha...
Hip-firing the MG-34? Büllshit or Historically Accurate? #WW2
What was the practice on hip-firing the light machine gun MG-34 in World War 2? In this video I take a look at Army Regulations and other manuals, like the Heeresdienstvorschrift and Reibert. Bonus: Star Wars Reference. Military History Visualized provides a series of short narrative and visual p...
"Blitzkrieg" - What most people get Wrong - Myth vs "Reality"
"Blitzkrieg" is probably the most wrongly used word when it comes to Military History. It's buzzword effect is widely known. The question is what was "Blitzkrieg" actually and is it used "correctly" at all? Additionally, the question if "Blitzkrieg" was something unique to the Wehrmacht will be a...
RSO Pak: Great on Paper - Terrible at the Front
A look at RSO Pak (7,5 cm Pak 40/4 auf gep. Selbstfahrlafette Raupenschlepper Ost) was the combination of the Pak 40 with the RSO. Although the firing trials were regarded successful, the vehicle ultimately turned out to be a failure. This video covers experience reports, development, a brief ove...
King Tiger: Why NO MG-42, but MG-34?
Note: All weapons shown are registered and legal in the respective country. In this video I show you why the MG-34 was used up until 1945 inside most German tanks instead of the MG-42. A BIG THANK YOU to Philipp for heavy support! »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German...
Pak 40: Germany's Tank Killer
The 7.5-cm Pak 40 was the most important German anti-tank gun in the Second World War. In this video we will take a closer look at the gun itself, some principles on employment of the gun, its capabilities and limitations as well. For this we look at the gun of the Panzermuseum Munster in Germany...
Panzergrenadier Squad Tactics '44
Panzergrenadier Squad Tactics based on a German semi-official training manual from 1944 that specifically looks at Squad (Gruppe) Tactics not platoon, company or others. Disclaimer: I was invited by the Panzermuseum Munster in 2019 & 2020. English Channel of the Panzermuseum:
Luftwaffe 1946: Wunderwaffen - Propaganda vs. Reality (feat. Flugwerft Schleißheim)
Big thank you for the Deutsche Museum München - Flugwerft Schleißheim for making this video possible. Check out their Channel here: Homepage: In this video Felix Wander (Research Assist...
Artillery Combat in World War 1
This video will focus on how the use of Artillery changed throughout the war and cover some of the many major innovations. Artillery tactics changed to a large degree from 1914 to 1918, whereas in 1914 the use of artillery in tactics and techniques had still a strong resemblance to the Napoleonic...
Why Intelligence Failures Happen?
»» GET BOOKS & VIDEOS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - » Tank Assault - Combat Manual of the...
Panther: Wartime Reports & First-Hand Experience
Sponsored by World of Tanks! Register here ► to receive a T-127 Premium Tank, 500 Gold and 7 days Premium access with the code TANKTASTIC. Applicable to new users only. In this video we look at wartime reports that talked about the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, additionally...
The Hetzer's Useless Uncle? - Marder III Ausf. H.
A look at the Marder III Ausführung H or Marder 38T, this was a German tank destroyer (Panzerjäger - literally "Tank Hunter") in World War 2. It was a stop-gap solution, yet it shares a lot of components and other aspects with the popular Jagdpanzer 38 "Hetzer". In this video we look at experienc...
Why Rifle Grenades? - German Rifle Grenades in WW2
Why Rifle Grenades? Germany alone produced more than 60 million rifle grenades in World War 2 and other countries like the United States of America used them extensively as well. Yet, this weapon is rarely covered, as we look at why rifle grenades and take also a closer look at the Schießbecher (...
Fliegerfaust & Luftfaust: Poor man's Flak
The Fliegerfaust previously known as the Luftfaust B and its predecessor Luftfaust A look rather surreal and a more like "video-game weapons", but they were actually produced and used, although to a limited degree. In this video Dr. Jens Wehner and I look at the remnants of the Luftfaust B (Flieg...
Panzer IV vs. Sherman
Sponsored by World of Tanks! Register here ► to receive a T-127 Premium Tank, 500 Gold and 7 days Premium access with the code TANKTASTIC. Applicable to new users only. In this video we take a closer look at the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausführung G and M4A1 Sherman in their S...
Russian Report: "Ukrainian Tactics are Hit & Run"
We look at a Russian manual titled "I live, I fight, I win! The Rules of Living in War" (Живу, сражаюсь, побеждаю! Правила жизни на войне) and a British-Ukrainian Report Preliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February–July 2022 that is based on informat...
Nebelwerfer - the German rocket artillery from World War 2 - is quite often mentioned, yet at the same time very little is known about them. This video covers the Nebeltruppe (Smoke Troops / Smoke Arm), 15-cm-Nebelwerfer 41, schwere Wurfgerät 40 and 41, Wurfrahmen 40, 28/32-cm Nebelwerfer 41, 21-...
The Last Japanese Victory: Vella Lavella
Sponsored by World of Warships! Register here ► to receive 200 doubloons, 2,500,000 Credits, the USS St. Loius, the SMS Emden Premium Cruiser, 20 Restless Fire Camos and 7 Days Premium Time when you use code BOOM. Applicable to new users only. The Battle of Vella Lavella (19...
My 7 most Underrated Videos
This video is about my 7 most underrated videos, namely those videos, which I think provided great information, yet only received lackluster views. As such, I will mention shortly each video, explain why I think you should watch it and show a short clip. Now, if you want you can also post your pi...
German Raid Tactics - Ostfront
An example for German Raid (“Stoßtruppunternehmen” ) Tactics on the Eastern Front in World War 2. This video is based on an an example published in November 1942 by the General of the Infantry in the German Army’s General Staff. It was later reprinted in 1944 again, so it was likely a good exampl...
How to kill a Panther Tank
How to kill a Panther Tank? For this we look at the Panther of Panzermuseum Munster, the Panther G turret with "chin" of the MHM Dresden, British, Soviet and also German sources. This video covers the fundamental differences between the Tiger and Panther tank, particularly the polar diagrams from...
German Perspective: Battle of Monte Cassino '44
The Battle of Monte Cassino from the German perspective with Dr. Magnus Pahl of the Military History Museum (MHM) of the Bundeswehr Dresden. This video covers the 2nd (German Perspective) / 3rd (Allied Perspective) of Monte Cassino. For this we use many German sources, yet also the British and Ne...
Africa: Fatalities Timelapse 1997-2019
Data used is from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) - Data for Africa from 1/1997 to 2/2019 - (with permission). Follow them on twitter: Made with »» SUPPORT MHV «« » paypal donation...
How the Germans Cheated the Versailles Treaty
How the Germans cheated on the Treaty of Versailles (1919)? How effective were their efforts? And why did they cooperate so closely with the Soviet Union - its former and future - enemy? What did the Allies know about the German efforts? This video takes a look at the Treaty of Versailles restric...