Missiles & Bombs

Missiles & Bombs

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Missiles & Bombs
  • Ukrainian Marines Deploy RBS-17 Missiles

    RBS-17 anti-ship missiles have been used in Ukraine since autumn 2022 and we've looked at them in the past [https://youtu.be/ilfZlXR0wb0] but some excellent footage of them in use has surfaced necessitating a fresh look.

    Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here -

  • 3D Printed Evolution of Drone Munitions

    Joe MacDonald of @BigMakBattleBlog has kindly shared some insights into how his Ukrainian drone unit is using 3D printed drone-delivered munitions.
    Check out Joe's channel for more - https://www.youtube.com/@BigMakBattleBlog/

    Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here -...

  • Mine Satchel Charges

    In recent weeks there have been a spate videos showing Russian troops using TM-62 anti-tank mines as improvised satchel charges. We've already seen TM-62s used as drone dropped munitions and as demolition charges. The videos shared most recently show the dramatic effect that the TM-62s can have o...

  • The Fanta Bomb & Improvised Munitions in Ukraine

    Improvised munitions including grenades have appeared in Ukraine over the past 12 months. They are often based on drinks cans or bottles and are filled with readily available explosive materials and in some cases fragmentation material for an increased anti-personnel effect. In this video, we loo...

  • Ukraine's Drones Dropping TM-62 Mines

    Drone warfare in Ukraine is one of the war's most rapidly evolving elements with considerable innovation and improvisation. In recent weeks several videos have been shared showing large drones dropping TM-62 anti-tank mines.

    If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us via Patreon, TAB i...

  • Examining an Incendiary Bomb Dropped on Dresden

    At We Have Ways Festival 2022 I ran into friends from the Dunkirk 1940 Museum and they were displaying an interesting piece - a British 4lb Incendiary Bomb which had reportedly been dropped on Dresden in February 1945. Check out the museum's channel @Dunkirk-nu2oi and their website they have lo...

  • Ukraine Uses New Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles for the First Time

    On 11 May the UK confirmed the transfer of Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine. The evidence of their first use against a target in Luhansk has now emerged. In this video we take a look at Storm Shadow's capabilities and the evidence of its first operational use in Ukraine. Be sure to check o...

  • Ukraine's Brimstone Missile Technical

    Footage of Brimstone anti-armour missiles being launched in Ukraine surfaced for the first time on 12 May. In this video we look at what the missile is capable of, how they came to be in Ukraine and how they have been deployed. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - h...

  • The MB-1 'Genie' - The USAF's Unguided Air-To-Air Nuke

    The MB-1/AIR-2 ‘Genie’ was the world’s first nuclear-armed air-to-air weapon and remains the most powerful missile ever deployed aboard U.S. Air Force interceptors. Developed as the Cold War began to heat up it would be carried aboard a succession of aircraft including the F-89, F-101B Voodoo, an...

  • The B53 'Bunker Busting' Thermonuclear Bomb

    The B53 thermonuclear bomb was developed to obliterate Soviet command and control bunkers buried deep underground. The B53 had a yield of 9 megatons and entered service in 1962, it served for fifty years until the last bombs were finally decommissioned in 2011. Back in January, Matt visited the A...

  • BOMARC Surface-to-Air Missile

    The Boeing Bomarc was the world’s first long-range surface to air missile and despite its shortcomings remain in service for a decade. It was an extremely ambitious project and is a Cold War weapon that few today are familiar with. In this video Matt looks at the development, operation and servic...