Unofficial High Speed Tour of the National Museum of the USAF Pt 1.
Museum Tours
Yes, it’s more guerilla footage, this time of one of the best aviation musea I have ever been to. For those new to the High Speed Tours, the primary purpose is to let you see what is there, and then decide for yourself if you want to make the trip to see it properly. No footage, no matter how good, can substitute for a visit.
Up Next in Museum Tours
Unofficial High Speed Tour of the Nat...
Part 2 of 2. Indeed, this is so high-speed that I didn't get to cover Hangar 4 as I would like.
Unofficial High Speed Tour of the Mus...
I just copped that I uploaded the wrong file for Part 2, and it was missing the last nine minutes. So here is it, part 2b or Part 3 of 2, as you will.
Unofficial High Speed Tour of Pearl H...
Generally speaking, only able to get to it if you take a bus from the Pearl Harbor Memorial, formerly known as the Pacific Aviation Museum