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Unofficial High-Speed Tour of the National Naval Aviation Museum Pt1
Museum Tours
OK, I really need to slow down my panning and get a stabilizer. I know. But this should give you an idea of what's there.
Up Next in Museum Tours
Unofficial High-Speed Tour of Nationa...
Part two of the two-part walkaround. Flying things, and model ships.
An unofficial High-Speed tour of Arse...
I had a few minutes to sneak around the museum with my mobile 'phone camera. Just to show you what's there if you are debating taking the time to visit.
An Unofficial High Speed Tour of The ...
If you were to wander around the Tank Museum at warp factor three in about 2008 (It's changed a little since), this is something similar to what awaits you if you come check it out. Don't worry, between Tank Chats, Challenger's material, and my own videos, you can get more detailed information on...