Why Do Revolver Barrels Point Downwards?
6m 5s
The Bloke takes a trip to the range to blokesplain why revolver sights are set to have the barrel point quite a bit downwards, muzzle flip, and why different bullet weights can shoot to quite different points of impact.
Up Next in Revolvers
Shooting .32 S&W Long Wadcutter In A ...
Shooting .32 S&W Long Wadcutter in a 7.5 Swiss Ordnance chambered Belgian Bulldog
Ammunition Compatibility: .32 S&W Lon...
Just a short one this week. To settle the myth once and for all as to whether you can or can't shoot .32 S&W Long in a 7.5mm Swiss revolver such as the M1882 or M1882/29, The Chap fires some. Spoiler: he fires some.
Indoor Training Kit For Muzzleloading...
To the tune of the Red Dwarf theme:
It's cold outside / there's no kind of atmosphere / I want to shoot / revolver / there's a kit / and it comes from France / fun, fun, fun / in the barn, barn barn!
Yes indeed, H&C Collection make a kit for indoor training with black powder muzzleloading p...