Why was the Enfield Revolver such a huge flop?
In search of replacing their 'absolutely useless' percussion cap pistols, the British Lancers put in place a sequence of events that would lead to the development of the Enfield Revolver. A strange looking design, Jonathan examines why this pistol failed to impress its buyers and users alike.
Up Next in Revolvers
A must have self defense weapon for c...
At the end of the 19th century, cycling was booming in Europe. Unfortunately for enthusiasts of two-wheeled conveyance, so was rabies in dogs. A solution to this problem was found in the 'Velo-dog', a French/Belgian self defence revolver that gives us a fascinating peek into the perils of pedalli...
The revolver they *should* have used ...
As with many of the weapons we've featured in this series, this week's firearm is a conversion of vast stocks of obsoleted percussion cap Adams Revolvers in order to give them a new lease of life into the second half of the 19th century.
Britain's emergency First World War S...
As with the shells, 1915 saw another shortage for Britain's burgeoning army: revolvers. To plug this gap, procurement went in search for off the shelf alternatives, as close to the Army's existing inventory of Webleys. Two solutions were sort from the USA, as was this one from the Basque region o...