Ammunition Compatibility: .32 S&W Long in 7.5mm Swiss Revolver
Just a short one this week. To settle the myth once and for all as to whether you can or can't shoot .32 S&W Long in a 7.5mm Swiss revolver such as the M1882 or M1882/29, The Chap fires some. Spoiler: he fires some.
Indoor Training Kit For Muzzleloading Percussion Revolvers: H&C Collection
To the tune of the Red Dwarf theme:
It's cold outside / there's no kind of atmosphere / I want to shoot / revolver / there's a kit / and it comes from France / fun, fun, fun / in the barn, barn barn!
Yes indeed, H&C Collection make a kit for indoor training with black powder muzzleloading p...
.32 S&W Long Wadcutter In... Other Things (That Aren't Swiss Revolvers)
Having previously done to death the use of .32 S&W Long wadcutter in Swiss M82 and M82/29 revolvers, we had another few revolvers handy with which to try it out: an Austro-Hungarian Gasser M98 in 8mm, a French St. Etienne Mle. 92, and a Trocaola (Eibar) "Spanish Model 92", the latter two in 8mm/9...
Pre-WW1 French Cavalry Revolver Exercises
The Chap dug out an old French cavalry manual from the pre-WW1 era, so we thought we'd go through their revolver exercises with his St.Etienne Mle. 92 and my Trocaola (Eibar) "Spanish Mle. 92", both in 8mm/92 calibre (NOT LEBEL). How did we get on?
A Different (And Easier?) Way To Get 7.5 Swiss Revolver Cases: 7.62x38R Nagant
A quick little video from when we tested some 7.5 Swiss Ordnance revolver ammo from trimmed Soviet 7.62x38R Nagant cases. Did it work?
Indoors With A .45
Chap has in itchy trigger finger and finds a handy solution to try out his new antique shootin' iron. All you need are cases, primers and a handy rubber pellet, oh and a drill with 4mm bit.
French 1858 Navy (Pinfire) Revolver
While most countries are still messing about with single shot percussion pistols or tentatively trying out newfangled percussion revolvers, the French navy blows caution to the wind by adopting a metallic cartridge revolver patented by Eugène Lefaucheux in 1854 using the pinfire ammunition patent...
Manurhin MR73 - Double Action Secrets And A Funky 9mm Cylinder
BotR jumps on to the Manurhin MR73 love-fest bandwagon, well almost. Instead of gushing about the new production models now being distributed by Beretta, Chap will introduce his vintage original 80s 4” target model MR73 and reveal the most important feature of its lockwork, the key to the excelle...
Muff Pistols: Historical CCW For Ladies of Distinction
Deep dive into the history and practicalities of historical concealed carry for ladies (and gentlemen) of distinction, namely the muff. We look at the pros and cons of different small pistols as firearms and fashion evolved through the ages, using Mrs Chap's furry muff for reference.
Manurhin MR93 Revolver - Dead end Or Too Soon?
Manurhin continued to try any offer new revolvers after the MR73 with various interpretations of Ruger pattern revolvers stemming from the tech transfer agreements between the two companies. In 1993 though they decided to bravely challenge the traditional revolver configuration and try something ...
Terrible 2-Gun: Lebel, 1892 Revolver, and a WW1 Gas Mask
Today, I thought it would be fun (or at least interesting) to shoot a 2-gun match in a reproduction World War One gas mask and helmet. Specifically, a
French M2 pattern, which was used extensively by French, British, and American troops. I paired this with an Adrian helmet, a Lebel rifle, and a... -
Pistols of Denmark's Artist-Turned-Inventor Bent Agner Nielsen
Bent Agner Nielsen was a Danish tinkerer born in 1925, who studied art as a young man and worked as a painter. In the 1970s he became interested in firearms, beginning with engraving work. This soon evolved into an interest in mechanical design, and in 1978 he began work on the M80, an Olympic-st...
The Very Rare Union Semiauto Revolver from Ohio
The most well-known historic automatic revolver is the British Webley-Fosbery, but there were other handguns of the type that were put into production. One example is the Union auto-revolver, made in Toledo, Ohio shortly before the First World War. While the Webley-Fosbery was intended to be a hi...
Mounties' First Revolver: the NWMP Adams MkIII
The first handguns issued by the North West Mounted Police (which would later become the modern RCMP) were 330 Adams revolvers, requisitioned by the new police service in March 1874, and shipped over from England. Upon their receipt in July of that year, the Mounties were dismayed to find thoroug...
Crude Khyber Pass Webley Revolver Copy
The town of Dara Adam Khel has became a locus of firearms manufacture in response to the British occupation of Pakistan and Afghanistan in the 19th century, and it has remained dedicated to that industry to the present day. While much of the firearms manufacturing there is done to a much higher s...
Cutting Edge Military Hardware for Civilians: Manufrance Mle 1892
When the French Army adopted the Mle 1892 revolver, it was a huge improvement over the previous standard from 1873. The new sidearm has a swing-out cylinder, simultaneous ejection, was lighter, and used a high-tech new small bore smokeless powder cartridge. With Army adoption came a tremendous in...
Japan's First Military Revolver: the S&W No.3
When Commodore Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853, he began a serious upheaval of Japanese life. Among other things, the insular Japanese society had been virtually the only nation to ever successfully implement gun control, with a virtually complete prohibition of any arms manufacture or import...
Back-Up Gun Match Teaser with an MR-73
It came out recently that the Beretta Group has purchased Chapuis, the French manufacturer of the legendary MR73 revolvers. A bunch of people have asked me if I'm getting one of the Beretta-imported guns, and the answer is YES! But it's not here yet.
So while I wait for it (a 5.25" Sport model...
Portugal's Model 1886 Trooper's Model Abadie Revolver
Isaac Abadie's gate-loading system was a significant improvement in revolver technology in the 19th century, and Portugal was one of the first to adopt it. The initial Portuguese model was adopted in 1878 specifically for officers, and this was expanded in 1886 to a longer-barreled version for ca...
Spanish Patent Quirks: Anitua Y Charola's Copy of the Merwin & Hulbert
The firm of Anitua Y Charola in Eibar, Spain (later renamed Charola Y Anitua) was founded in 1880 or 1881, and their first substantial product was a copy of the American Merwin & Hulbert revolver. They were made with hopes of getting Spanish military adoption, and thus were chambered for the .44 ...
New Beretta-Imported MR73 at the Range
The Manurhin MR73 has always been one of the very best combat revolvers made, but they have been hard to find here in the US. That has now changed, as the Beretta group purchased Chapuis, manufacturer of the MR73. They are now importing both 4" and 5.25" versions, and I have a demo of the 5.25" S...
Deliberately Obsolete: Ottoman S&W New Model No.3 in .44 Henry Rimfire
The S&W No.3 revolver was originally designed for the .44 Henry Rimfire cartridge, but initial US military testing caused it to be changed to a centerfire cartridge, and all serial production would use centerfire ammunition. All serial production, that is, except a couple orders from the Ottoman ...
Toolroom Prototype Smith & Wesson No.3 Revolver
Good inventors are always trying out new solutions to problems. Those solutions may or may not work (hence Thomas Edison’s 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb), but the attempts can often give us interesting insight into the designer’s intentions. In this case, we have a toolroom S&W No3 revolve...
The Gangster Gun | Colt "Fitz Special" Revolver
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