The Call of Duty classic: M200 Intervention
Royal Armouries
We have a slightly different one for you all this week, as Jonathan visits the Cody Firearms Museum.
Curator Danny Michael showed us their one of a kind factory fall camo Intervention of Modern Warfare 2 fame. Mountain Dews at the ready!
Up Next in Royal Armouries
US's Trench Gun: The Winchester Model...
This episode was created in collaboration with Real Time History exploring Shotguns in Saipan - their episode will air on November 15th so go check it out when it goes live at @realtimehistory .
Meanwhile, join Jonathan as he gives his longer hands-on with one of the trench shotguns of the 20th...
This gun shoots round corners: M3 Gre...
This week Jonathan explores a firearm that bucks the trend... or the curve in this instance. Joining the company of weapons like the Krummlauf, this American prototype utilised the M3 Grease Gun for 90° firing.
The gun that doesn't want to be fired...
Ergonomics are an important and constantly changing aspect of firearms, however, this episode we have a gun that is downright difficult to fire.
Watch Jonathan come to grips with this in this week's episode.
More info and patent available at: