Chieftain's Q&A 27: Air Defence, AGS and AMXs
The Chieftain
Episode #27 of the increasingly inaccurately described trilogy of "Ask Chieftain armor-related questions". For the full list of previously asked questions, see 00:00 Intro, Warfighters. 3:22 German heavy tank doctrine in WW2 5:25 Thoughts on the Israeli Nagmachon 7:15 Why was there a shift in Soviet artillery from towed to self-propelled guns 7:50 Opinion on the AGS 13:20 Steel wheels on wheeled vehicles 14:54 If you could retrofit one thermal to either an old tank or an IFV, which vehicle? 15:26 Room for return of SPAAG 17:30 How good is modern thermal vision at target discrimination/ 19:03 How modular are vehicles? 20:04 Are you considering a second book? 20:36 Would WW2 "ghost army" tactics work today? 21:14 Do we train for scenarios in which friendly forces do not have air superiority 21:36 Reliable King Tiger vs post-war tanks 22:42 Is Challenger 3 worth-while? 23:50 Chieftain's life story(!) and why the move to the US 25:45 Is the use of rubber track blocks vs all-steel related to live vs dead track? 26:15 When were crew ergonomics first seriously considered as a factor? 28:00 Is Sentinel's turret still the worst you've encountered? 28:56 Why is a drone operator on an individual tank a bad idea? 30:35 Does a unit commander's tank's second-in command have autonomy to deal with threats? 32:20 Why is the US Army deleting MGS when other nations have continued operating wheeled cannon vehicles? 33:12 What goes into determining track commonality? 34:14 What music types do you listen to? 34:31 Is Merkava suspension basically Christie? 35:04 Would earlier introduction of serviceable high velocity HEAT have made heavy tanks pointless in WW2? 35:42 Why a fixed hull MG on the T-54? 36:39 Are autocannons better suited for untrained/undertrained crews? 37:38 How do you manage a logistics situation like the Ukraine? 40:47 Are there differences in casualties of men or vehicles between petrol and diesel Shermans? 41:15 Who would, hypothetically, have taken over for the various generals who crash-landed in Ireland had their internment been more than brief? 46:21 Opinion on post-WW2 French tanks? 49:44 Did the Germans consider Panther to be a medium or a heavy tank? 50:17 How has and will the war in the Ukraine affect AA doctrine 52:30 Why was no armored vehicle fitted with the Oldsmobile 37mm from P39? 53:04 Is the platoon or company the main armored fighting element for the US Army? Links to things. MoD article on Warfighter. Book: (Or other retailers) T-Shirt sales. (Open for a little over 2 weeks, then closed and sent to batch production.) That said, if they are showing as 'campaign ended', try these direct links. Vehicle offends me: Drive me closer: The Tank is on Fire: Significant Emotional Event: Emotional Support Missile: T28 Superheavy: US Generals crash in Ireland: ITCH Sentinel: ITCH Strv m/42: ITCH A.10: ITCH Panzer III: Armored Assault Company (6-Bradley platoons). Financial donations: Patreon: Direct Paypal: Utreon: Non-T-Shirt Merchandise Public facebook page:
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