Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: M5A1, Pt 2.
The Chieftain
[Update: Sold for $287,500] As you can imagine, the interior tour of the vehicle. No prizes for guessing roughly when I destroyed my primary microphone...
Up Next in The Chieftain
Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: M41 Wal...
[Update Sold for $230,000.] Part two of the tour of the M41 76mm Gun Light Tank, on sale later this week, and the last of this salvo from RIAC. Lessons have been learned about sound and lighting from the experience, so I expect significant improvement in future.
Lesser-known details of the Fall of F...
Your friendly history lesson, with a little bit of Op-Ed thrown in, some parts of the 1940 campaign in France of which many folks weren't aware. Why was Guderian relieved of command? Why might condoms have changed the course of the war? What's a Niwi? Was the French failure one of doctrine, or ex...
The Tank for 1945: A Tale of Demand, ...
In early 1944, it was time to decide what tank to build for 1945 service, and also to decide what modifications to ship for tanks already fielded. These readings from the archives should give an idea of why the European Theater wanted a 90mm gun Sherman, why Armored Force wanted a 90mm gun Sherma...