.22lr Martinistutzer: Target Machine From Back In The Day
Bloke on the Range
9m 20s
Thanks to Robert of Gruenig and Elmiger (not allowed to link, sorry), I got to put one of these antediluvian Martinistutzer target rifles in front of the camera! This one was originally in 7.5x55 GP11 and was converted to .22 lr. Tipping block: what's not to like? Basically a Martin-actioned accuracy machine set up for standing shooting.
Up Next in Bloke on the Range
MAT49: Internal gubbins and DAKKA
Chap goes full nerd on the MAT49, including history, features, a major design fail and accessories. For those patient enough there's a bit of dakka at the end, or just skip to 23:28!
Big THANK YOU to http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/ for letting us use his photos!
Trapdoor 1887 Springfield Rifle Black...
Finally we are able to present you with a mad minute featuring the trapdoor rifle, not thanks to Bloke or Chap, but rather thanks to one of our awesome fans who took it upon himself to have a go.
You did the rifle justice. Fantastic run! The BotR community thanks you Oliver!
Lee-Enfield No.4 And French MAS-36 Sn...
Mike and Fab dunk their rifles in the Finnish snow to see if they keep running. Mike was, of course, running a Lee-Enfield No.4 (Sterling conversion in .308 Win / 7.62 NATO instead of .303 British) whereas Fab was, again of course, shooting his pre-WW2 MAS-36 in 7.5x54 French.