Falklands War - Argentine Perspective - An Inevitable Defeat? (Guerra de las Malvinas)
9m 21s
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv The Falklands War (Guerra de las Malvinas) in 1982 as seen by many as an inevitable defeat for Argentina, but taking a closer look at the preparations or better the lack of preparation on the Argentine side reveals that the British could have faced a far stronger opposition and might even had been defeated at least in their initial attacks. This video could also be seen as a how NOT to guide. For the script and further information see: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.com/falklands-war-argentine-perspective-an-inevitable-defeat/ ---Social Media--- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milhistoryvisualized/ twitter: https://twitter.com/MilHiVisualized tumblr: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.tumblr.com/ ---Sources--- --Books & Articles-- René De La Pedraja: The Argentine Air Force versus Britain in the Falkland Islands, In: Higham & Harris: Why Air Forces Fail --Websites & Links-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Reorganization_Process https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_invasion_of_the_Falkland_Islands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_naval_forces_in_the_Falklands_War ---Credits & Special Thanks--- The Counter-Design is heavily inspired by Black ICE Mod for the game Hearts of Iron 3 by Paradox Interactive https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/blackice.467/ ---Song---- Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone (the Irony :D) ---Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology”--- Nearly all information is from the article in the book Why Air Forces Fail. Wikipedia articles were used for some general information and double check.